The First Day Of Practice

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"Coach Teel, hi, my name is Ally Koch," I say to her as I walk closer.

"Oh the new kid right. Okay well Jayla was telling me that you wanted to try for a spot. Okay, if you can run five kilometers in less than 30 minutes, you are on the team," she said looking straight into my eyes. She continued. "Over there," she says while pointing to the path, past the bleachers and track, leading into the forest, "that is where we run most days. It is somewhat flat with about, uhhh let me think, about 2 mini hills and 1 bigger hill, that won't take you more than 4 minutes to go up I'm sure, and then back down and looping around. Today, you will run with someone so they can time you. Uhhhhhh, Mika, get your ass over here," she says as motioning for a girl around 170cm with dark curly brown hair, tied up into a tight bun, and chocolate brown eyes.

As she comes over, I see a look of shock on her face for a quick second before it disappears into a smile. "Hi, I'm Mika. I'm the de-, i mean friend of Sky," she said as she pulls out her hand. I take it and shake. "Hi. Ally," I say as I point to myself.

What is it with so many of these kids being so hot?!

"Mika, run with her and time today, okay?," coach asks but definitely rhetorically because it came out more as a command.

"Yes coach," Mika said. She then looked right behind me and I couldn't help but follow her gaze behind me towards the bleachers.

What is she doing here?

On the top bleachers, you could see the same curly blond, blue-eyed, beautiful girl that I met in Science-Fiction Literature.


The sun made her blond hair stand out even more and those icy blue eyes looked like they were staring into my soul. I was pulled away and faced Mika again when I heard, "come on, let's start running" coming from Mika's mouth as she grabbed my arm and motioned me forward. I felt like someone was staring heavily at me, especially to the back of my head, and Mika immediately stopped touching my arm and scoffed.

She was mumbling to herself and all I caught was a " jealous" from her mouth. She started walking towards the path and I followed. I could still feel a stare but I decided to ignore it and start stretching with Mika as we got to the path.

As I ran through the path with Mika, I felt so at home. I always liked running in the forest and in the city, I could only run in Central Park. But the forest here was so amazing. It was like it was untouched by human hands.

"So, where are you from?," Mika asks while keeping her path straight ahead.

"New York City," I replied while looking down a tiny bit and then back up.

"Never been. This has always been my home. Everyone's actually. We don't get new people as you can tell. Everyone here has known each other since they were born. But no worries, soon you will be calling this place your home. I have a feeling," she said while smirking like she definitely knew something I didn't.

We continued running through the forest and by the time we had gotten back, it was only past 16:00 but the sky was close to sunset.

"How'd she do Mika?," the coach asks while writing on his keyboard.

"Amazing Coach. Took her 25 minutes," Mika replies while smiling brightly at me.

"Great. You made the team. Practice everyday but Sunday and some occasional days off. We aren't big on outside competition but we do a lot of competition against the boys and our team in general. I'm sure Mika can go and get you the sweatshirt, sweatpants, running shorts and tank top that we use. Practice again tomorrow at 15:30. Don't be late," Coach says then walks towards the other girls.

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