Birthday Day Part 2

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"Mika, this is too much. You could practically think I'm naked from a far distance," I shout at her as she rifles through my clothing. She had already packed some of her clothing in her car for me because she wanted me to look "exceptionally amazing" (as she put it) for my birthday.

She had shoved me into my bathroom and made me put on this strapless, black dress that went down to my mid thigh. There was also a small v-cut in the middle making the curves of my tits show off more. And the top of the dress also was doubled over so my arms could have a piece of the dress too.

"Nonsense. You look beautiful. You don't even need makeup, well maybe a little bit of mascara, and find some black cat heels and you are perfect," Mika tells me as she goes to put the rest of her clothes away.

"And I just found my soulmate, well besides your brother," She laughs as she tries on her dress. Her dress is tighter and is red, around the same length of mine but a little longer v-neck.

"See? Now we are two amazing bad bitches," She laughs as she twirls around looking at herself.

"Oooh. I hear Sky and everyone else. Come on," She says as she pulls me down the stairs. As we reach the bottom step, I look over to find Sky, Jason, Kole, and Blake at the doorway. Sky looks over me, spending time on my dress and how it clings to my body, then back up to my eyes.

"Hey," I blush lightly as I stare at the others.

Sky has on a dark green romper that goes into a halter top at the top and runs down to her ankles. She has on these beautiful gold heels as well and her hair is put into a messy bun with a long diamond pin in it.

Jason has on black trousers, a black belt, a white buttoned up shirt, and a black blazer. Kole follows suit but with a more deep blue one.

Blake has on a nice set of black jeans with a plaid button up shirt and a black blazer hanging from his arm. He also looks to have on a very nice watch with an earring hanging from each of his ears.

I didn't know he had pierced ears.

"Well come on in. I was just about to put dinner on the table," my mother says as she notices how nervous I am. The guys come through and sit down on the table and Sky comes over to kiss me on the cheek and hand me a small present.

"Open later," I hear her whisper into my ear and place a kiss on my cheek. "Bye the way, you look gorgeous," She adds and I blush even harder.

"Sky, is it?," I hear from in front of us. Sky immediately turns around and puts on a smile.

"Yes ma'am. That is me," She says in a polite voice, trying to impress my mother.

"Well, it is certainly lovely to meet you. Ally tells me all about you," She says as I groan lightly.

Thanks mom.

"Do you mind if you help me bring some of the dishes out?," my mother asks Sky.

"Not at all ma'am," Sky tells her politely and I can't imagine the big bad alpha I am looking at right now.

"Oh please call me Alika," She laughs as they both exit into the kitchen. I roll my eyes and walk back into the kitchen. I just know my mom is up to something that will bring me embarrassment.

Great. Now comes mom bringing out the baby pictures.

I turn around to hear Jay coming down the stairs. His hair is combed and he has on a nice pair of black trousers and a navy black buttoned up shirt.

"Hey sorry," he says as he goes to sit down to the right of Mika, and I walk over to sit to the right of him. Sky sits across from me, Jason across Jay, Kole across from Mika, and my mom and Blake at both ends.

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