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                                                                           Twenty Years Later

"Mommy, Mommy, Peter stole my doll," I hear from behind me and I turn around only to have my nine year-old daughter jump on me, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Peter, VEN AQUÍ. AHORA," I shout through the house and seconds later, my other nine-year old Peter comes running past the stairs with his head down and a small doll behind his back.

"Why did you take your sister's doll? What did I say about stealing?" I say, rubbing my head from all the craziness.

"Es tut mir leid mama. But she stole my race car," Peter whined and pointed at his twin who I let go from my arms. I kneel down and grab each of their hands with mine.

"Now why did you steal his race car Nicki," I ask turning to my daughter who now stopped crying.

"He called me ugly so I stole it," Nicki said, pointing at her brother and sticking out her tongue at him which he replied with the same.

"Hey, Mira, pay attention. No more calling each other names and NO more stealing. You are siblings, even better, you are twins. You share a much deeper connection than anyone else. You guys are special," I say as they both turn back to look at me, the air in the room lightening.

"Now mama has to work and get this down. I think you both are old enough to go back to your room and play. Go and see if your brother Thomas would like to play. And later tonight, if you guys are good, mama and I might take you out to the woods after dinner and we can play hide and seek with your cousins," I say and both their faces instantly light up.

"Okay mama. We promise to be good," Peter says and Nicki nods. I smile back and give them a quick kiss on both of their heads before motioning them both out of the living room and towards their rooms. They soon rushed down the hall giggling towards each other.

I swear if they aren't at each other's throats half the time, they come up with the worst trouble together. I don't know how I gave birth to them.

I returned back to my work before looking at my youngest laying on the couch reading through a bunch of picture books. After twenty years, I had the perfect family. Crazy, but perfect.

Three years after Sky and I's wedding we decided to have children. Blake had given us a spell and a name to a woman who ran a clinic for the supernatural. She was gifted in the area and could acquire the materials necessary to combine Sky's and I's eggs so we could have a child born of both our DNA. Though all our babies are werewolves since the werewolf gene dominates, all my children share a mix of us. The process was tough though because we were mixing three people's DNA together (one from a werewolf sperm donor that we liked) and the pregnancies could be very risky but we were willing to take that chance.

Our oldest, now 16 years of age, Liam Henry Müller was a normal birth, painful but not dangerous when I gave birth to him. His blond and curly hair was an exact image of Sky's but shorter. Sky has been mentoring and training him since five to be the next Alpha in line and even though he is a natural born leader, he does have a tendency to be a player and a joker which Sky got upset at but I think it's good to also have a normal life. He's a normal "cool" kid at school being a futbol player with a bunch of friends.

Hana is our second born as she recently turned 14 and she was also a pretty normal birth. It was quite a crazy one though because Sky birthed her and it is hard to deal with a pregnant female wolf. You do not want to mess with them. They are highly protective and caring over their young in their bodies. Her looks take more on me with her black, frizzy hair that goes down to her hips which she never cuts because I don't want her too. I usually do her hair and put braids all over it with some other stuff in. Her personality though goes to Sky as Hana is pretty quiet and usually observant but when she does talk, power radiates off her. She takes her studies seriously unlike her older brother who couldn't care less about school and I get angry at Sky because she does not pressure him but luckily I am there to make sure his ass is at school every day. Besides her studies, she is the best fighter in her age rank as she practices every day with her mother in the woods. I like to watch them sometimes because they fight so similarly. She stays with Sky a lot in her office reading as she does Alpha work which is surprising because Sky never lets our kids in but one day Hana walked right in and plopped herself on one of the chairs and Sky never said a word. She is definitely a mama's girl to Sky.

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