Making Up

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As the day passes, I try and focus on my art and my guitar practice while trying not to think about tonight. My mind can't help but think about the last time Sky and I were together making out and eating each other out on her bed. And me tied to her bed submitting to her and her wolf. Definitely the hottest thing in my life. Definitely.

But as the sun shades down and the night comes alive with stars everywhere and the moon shining brightly in the east, I can't help but feel anxious and nervous about tonight.

Will we do the same thing? Are we doing something different?

I ate dinner as fast as I could which resulted in my brother calling me a pig and my mom smacking him in the back of the head which was funny. Although I could see a mix of worriedness and confusion cover my mother's face when I chewed down my leftovers in less than ten minutes. I just wanted the night time to come faster or I might lose my mind.

The dark night came though and my clock turned to 22:30 and I could hear my mother come up the stairs to wish Jay and me a good night of sleep. I would definitely have to think of a way to get Jay back for calling me a pig. I changed out of my day clothes and into a very nice thong with a long t-shirt so I could see Sky's shocked expression as she sees me in it.

But soon enough, time comes and all the lights except my lamp light are off in the Koch house and that's when I hear a tapping on my window. I shoot my head to the side resulting in a little bit of cramping but it is worth it as I see Sky outside my window tapping lightly on my window. I rush over to open it to let her in.

Smooth Ally. Smooth.

"Hey, how was the rest of your day?" I ask as Sky steps into my room.

"A little boring. I kept thinking of you and that made my day way better," Sky smirks and winks at me and I can't help but blush at her actions. "Cute," She adds motioning to her cheeks. I shove her lightly.

"Shut up," I laugh and roll my eyes as I move to sit on my bed.

"I am really sorry about earlier. But it is worth it because I got one of these," Sky says as she hands me a white envelope with Ally Koch in black ink on the front of it. I look back at Sky confused and she motions with her eyes for me to open it.

To: Ally Koch

It is our dear pleasure to invite you to the Alpha Ceremony of Sky Vivian Müller of Red Moon Pack on December 21st at 19:00 pm.

Please RSVP at your earliest convenience.

Number attending:________

"Woah. It's so fancy. I feel like I'm going to meet the president or something. Hahaha," I say as I turn to Sky and she just smirks at me. I walk over to my desk to grab a pen and write 1 at the bottom. I can hear a slight moan escape Sky's mouth as I realize I am literally sticking my butt in her face by walking over to the desk. I hurriedly stand back up and seal the envelope before handing it back to Sky.

"Well it is a very very formal event. These only happen every 21-25 years or so for each pack depending on when an alpha will step down and their child will step up. So wear your sexist, hottest, most formal dress because you will have to meet other pack Alphas and Lunas which can be sometimes boring considering some Alphas and Lunas are in their 50's and some are in their 20's," Sky says as she takes off her leather jacket and shoes and places them neatly on the floor. She also puts her envelope on top trying her hardest not to get it wrinkled or messed up.

"But.....handing you that invitation was not the reason I came here tonight," Sky tells me as she slowly walks over to me as I lean back down on my bed and her body slowly gets on the bed to crawl over me until her whole body is on top of mine.

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