The Party Part 1

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"Where is that red shirt?" I mumbled to myself as I went around digging in my room for the one Claire had shown me at the shop.

Come on Ally. Come on.

It was already 6:45 on Friday and I had showered, done my hair into boxed braids, put on lotion, put on my pants and sexy bra, but could not for the love of me find the red tube top.

"Finally," I sighed as I grabbed the shirt from deep in my drawer.

I ran downstairs to find weirdly enough my brother combing through his brown curls. He had a nice outfit (I had to admit) with simple jeans and a black t-shirt on. I pushed passed him to get to the bathroom that had my jewelry and makeup. I decided on hoop earrings and a nice gold chain as well as some mascara and light lip gloss.

I heard the honk downstairs and rushed to get my leather jacket from upstairs. I ran back down, pushing my brother out of the way, and saying goodbye to my mom.

"Have fun. Stay safe," I heard her shout as I rushed to open the door. As soon as I did, I think my heart stopped. All I could see was Sky with black ripped jeans, black and white converse, and lacy blue tight tank top that hugged her so well. I gulped as my eyes lingered on her for a while longer although I could tell she was checking me out as well.

I heard my brother come up from behind me and say "wow" as he looked at Mika who had on a plaid black and white mini skirt, and a short sleeve black t-shirt.

Couple alert.

Kole and Jason were in the car and when Kole looked at me, I could see his eyes roll to the back of his head.

What is his deal with me? Whatever. Never mind that for now. Let's go get high and drunk.

I walked over to Sky who was leaning on a black jeep wrangler.

Jesus, how many cars does this girl have?

"Hi beautiful," I say as I place a quick kiss on Sky's lips as I wrap my arms around her. She seemed to get the idea as she placed her arms around my hips, entrapping me in.

That kiss turned into another and then another until I heard a cough coming from my brother, realizing we were just kissing in front of others.

"Let's head out," Sky commands.

She opens the front door for me and I scooch right in. Kole and Jason are in the way back while Mika and Jason sit in the middle row. Sky presses on the gas and we head to the party.

As soon as we got there, the music was blasting loud and so much noise could be heard from someone just passing the house. Sky grabbed my hand and as we entered in, I saw around 50 kids hanging and dancing around with red cups in their hands. The kitchen looked like the baking station for drugs as joints were passed all around.

Sky let go of my hand for a quick second to grab some cups from the side and fill them with whatever. She passed me a cup and I smiled up at her.

"Cheers," I said as I clicked my cup with hers and we both took a sip. The bitter taste hit my mouth. I hadn't been to a party in a while and hadn't drunk alcohol in a long time.

Kole grabbed some weed and rolled up two joints for us. Jason lit them up with his lighter and passed them around to us. Sky passed one to me and I took a hit. Weed had been in my life since I was 15 and I was not bothered by it as much as alcohol. I had seen the dark paths of alcohol and while indulging myself in it once in a while, I never drank a lot of it.

As soon as I took a hit, I passed the joint over to Sky who took a few hits before giving it to Mika. As soon as both of the joints were done, Kole rolled up another two.

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