The Talk

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As we sit on my bed sharing noted for the ideas, my heart beats a million beats per minute.

OMG! There's a girl on my bed. Not the way I would like, but holy shit, there's a beautiful girl on my bed.

I can't help but constantly glance up at her and down at my notes. She seems to be doing the same thing.

"I think we are at a good part. I mean we have finished the summary and we have ideas for the paper so I think we can take a break," I say as I scratch the back of my head.

"Can we talk?," I ask.

"Yeah," Sky says as she sits straight up and looks right at me.

"Did I do something wrong with the kiss? Like was it bad or something?," I ask, really worried about the answer.

"What? No," she says as she grabs my hand with hers.

"I'm sorry. I got too excited and I just needed to breathe," she says while staring directly into my eyes. She seemed to be telling the truth.

"Oh, well, okay. I feel so stupid," I chuckle to myself.

"I mean, I just feel like I'm going crazy sometimes. I get dragged to a whole new place that I've never heard of and is probably so far from civilization. I am starting to meet new people and really liking this beautiful girl that has the bluest eyes I've ever seen and carries the most authoritative aura I ever felt. And I feel like we are getting something but everytime we get close, it feels like nothing is moving -," I get off by Sky's mouth on mine.

Her lips move softly against mine and I respond by grabbing her shirt and pulling her closer to mine. She pulls away so we can breath.

"I'm sorry," she says while placing another gentle kiss on my lips.

"I'm new to this and never felt this way with anyone," she places another kiss on my lips.

"Well that was the probably the best thing to happen since I got here. Beats getting chased by a wolf," I laugh at but Sky doesn't find it funny. She grabbed my arms and looked at me with worry.

"Wait. What? Tell me everything," she asks with concern.

"I was running yesterday morning before school in the paths in the forest. I came upon this big mansion with a bunch of smaller houses near it. Then this guy -,"

"What guy? What did he look like?," Sky asks with worry.

"He had black straight hair. He was really rude even though I told him I was new and accidentally stumbled onto the private property," I say while crossing my arms.

"Did he have black eyes and a slight british accent?," she asks with curiosity.

"Yeah, you know him?!!," I ask, stunned.

"Well yeah, he is my, uhhhh, my friend. I'll talk to him later about it. I promise you that," Sky says with a little bit of anger.

"Oh it is fine. But you should probably warn your friend about the wolf," I say as I go to grab my stuff and put it on my desk.

"Wolf?," Sky asks.

"Yeah. The big black wolf with the red eyes. I was so scared. I sprinted home and was close to dying by the time I reached my house. My heart was going crazy," I said with some fear. I look over to Sky who looks like she's having a deep internal conversation.

"Sky," I say as I wave a hand over her face. She gets out of whatever trance and turns to look at me.

"Sorry. And that house isn't my friend's. It's mine.," she says.

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