The Lunch

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"Oh my god. Stop smiling. You look so weird," my brother says to me as we sit and eat our breakfast.

"Fuck off," I say. I feel a hand smack the back of my head really hard.

"Watch it," I hear from my mother behind me as I go to soothe the pain in my head.

"Whatever. At least I feel good. You look like you got hit by a bus, then another bus, then another, and another..." I continue saying.

"Alright alright I get it. Sue me. I was actually out late having fun unlike you who spent the afternoon after practice studying," Jay teases at me.

I can't stop getting the pictures of what happened out of my head and my cheeks light up in a simple blush.

"Oooh, someone's blushing. Did you and "your friend" have a good time "studying"?" my brother adds with air quotes on "your friend" and "studying".

I punched him in his arm. "Ow," I hear from him. I continue eating my breakfast and thinking back to yesterday's events. I had gotten a call in the morning from an unknown number only to see it was from Sky which was weird because I never saw her with a phone.

I couldn't help my face light up like a firework when she texted me a "good morning" with a heart emoji.

Day one of dating, here I come.

As my brother and I finished our breakfast, we hopped in the car and headed to school. I couldn't wait to get to school and see Sky. As I rushed to get out of the car, I heard a loud motor behind me.

No fucking way.

She has a motorcycle!!!

And she looks so hot on it.

I was staring at her leaning on her motorcycle in a deep conversation with Mika and holy shit - Kole, I think was his name. As she saw me, her mouth lit up in a smile and she waved me forward. I couldn't help but allow my body to take steps toward hers. It was like I was drawn to her. As Mika and Kole turned around, I could hear a gasp leave Mika's mouth and Kole looked at me with un-interest like he would rather be anywhere else right now.

Mika immediately turned around and looked at Sky and Sky must've known what was going on in Mika's head because she started laughing so hard while Kole just rolled his eyes.

As I got closer, I grabbed Sky and kissed her like crazy to make sure everyone knew she had a girlfriend now.

Sue me. I'm a jealous bitch.

Sky deepened the kiss and started tongue-fucking me in my mouth. I heard a "get a room" from Kole as he rolled his eyes. I pushed Sky back a little and allowed me to fully look at Mika and Kole, but Mika had started a conversation with Jay which was definitely weird.

No fucking way.

I looked at the blush that lined Mika's cheeks then back at Sky as she looked at me like she knew what I was thinking, then back to Jay who also had a blush on his face.

Oh my god. They so like each other.

I couldn't help but smile knowing I could now equally torture Jay. More ideas and thoughts hit my mind but they completely went away as Sky reached for my hand. Sparks shot up in my skin and I turned to look at my beautiful - official - girlfriend who had her eyes locked on mine. I could practically hear Kole rolling his eyes into the back of his head. I turned to look at him wondering what his problem was so early in the morning.

Mika must've read my mind as she said "don't worry he is just in a mood because his ma- I mean boyfriend had an early class at school so he couldn't cuddle longer," Mika laughed.

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