The Party Part 2

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"OH MY GOD," I scream at the top of my lungs.

The bleached hair guy goes running with the board towards the shirtless guy but the shirtless guy gets on all fours and in a few seconds, his body is transformed into a dark brown fur coated wolf.

"AHHHHHH ," I scream at the top of my lungs. Sky rushes past with incredible speed towards the boys.

"Sky, don't. It will hurt you," I scream at her.

Sky ignores my pleas and rushes in between the two guys. I see Blake emerge from the crowd and grab the bleach haired guy and hold him down. He seems really pissed off as he starts screaming at the bleach haired guy. My eyes go back to Sky as she stands in front of the wolf.

"CHANGE NOW," she orders in a way deeper voice. When the wolf growls at her, she gets even more pissed and gets on all fours.

"What, Sky, what are you-," my words were stopped as I threw my hands over my mouth.

In Sky's place now stood a big black wolf, bigger than the dark brown one. This wolf had authority and one could tell just from looking at it.

What the fuck is going on?!!

Thoughts racked my brain as I saw my girlfriend turn into a massive wolf.

What seemed to be Sky, growled deeper and everyone shut up quickly and stood silent. The two wolves stared at each other for a long time, like they were having an internal conversation, but soon the brown wolf bowed his head down in submission and turned back into the human boy. What I think is Sky seemed to growl once and two bigger guys grabbed the guy, one of them being Kole, and dragged him through the crowd.

I couldn't move as I watched this whole scene play out in front of me. I stood deadly still with fear cursing throughout my whole body.

Another person walked up to the wolf and placed a pair of sweats and a grey shirt in front of it. Bones cracked and I could see Sky back, naked as ever, standing in the middle of the room picking up the clothes.

I couldn't help but have tears falling from my eyes as I was deadly terrified. I could feel my legs start to move again and I took off running to the door that we came in on. I could hear Sky behind me calling out for me.

"Ally, wait, let me explain, please," I could hear her shout from behind me. I ran into the middle of the road.

Think Ally. Think. How do we get home. This town is literally made up of like 10 streets.

I felt someone grab my hand and push me into them.

"Please babe, let me explain, please," I hear Sky shakily say to me. I pushed her away with all my force I could.

"What. Are. You," I ask coldly.

She looks at me with tears welling up in her eyes. She takes a step towards me but I take a step back.

"I'm... I'm a werewolf. An alpha wolf," I hear her say as she looks up to me.

"I can't. I can't look at you right now. I am so scared right now," I say as I take a few steps back. Her head immediately jolts up.

"Of me?," she asks shakily. I take in a breath.

"Yes. Of you, of that other werewolf, of that crowd that looked at the wolf perfectly normal like nothing was out of the ordinary, of everything weird that has been happening in this town," I say shakily as tears stroll down my cheeks.

"Just leave me alone. I don't want to see you or anyone else right now," I say as I turn back around and walk down the street. My heart feels like it's breaking in two and tears continue to stroll down my face. I make it to the end of the block before tears take over my eyes and I can't see in front of me anymore. I take out my phone from my jacket and open google maps to find my way home. The streets are dark with a few lights on them but it doesn't give much help.

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