Packs And Alphas

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"Are you just going to lay around or will you actually do something?" I ask Blake, amused by his resilience to do anything in school.

"I am. I am thinking about art and how deep art is in our world," Blake replies trying desperately to keep a straight face but can't help himself and ends up laughing.

"Oh come on. You really do not need to pay attention. It's art class," Blake says to me, taking a paint brush from the water cup and dipping it in blue paint before painting on his side of the table.

"I don't think that's what the teacher said when she meant free art and besides, this is relaxing," I say as I roll my eyes at Blake.

"A little too stressed? What could you possibly be worried about?" Blake laughs, moving his paintbrush to the red paint.

"Well I just got invited to a "Alpha Ceremony" which consists of other alphas and pack members while I will be the only human around who will probably look at me like a weak choice for the Luna of the Red Moon Pack," I ramble on and Blake holds his hand up for me to stop.

"Wait wait, Sky's Alpha Ceremony?" Blake asks, confused.

"Yeah, I got the invite on Saturday," I say, blushing lightly of the events of Saturday night. I woke up on Sunday morning unable to move my legs and I couldn't help but think of all the ways Sky made me come on Saturday night.

"Why? Are you going?" I ask, trying to change my mind from its dirty thoughts.

"Oh no. An Alpha Ceremony is very formal and strictly reserved for wolves. My species would not be welcome. It is too private," Blake replies as he moves on to the purple paint.

"I'm sorry that-"

"No need to be sorry. It's like a coven ceremony. It is reserved to only witches and no one else. It's because werewolves and witches are so different that it would be weird. Werewolves tend to use their mind connection to the living while witches do the exact opposite. For example, the connection between an Alpha and a Luna, or an Alpha to its pack, or an Alpha to another Alpha, or even the most basic form, a wolf to its human is way different from a witch's mind connection. We focus more on the dead and we may always work with each other in our coven but our mind is stronger with our ancestors because that is where our power comes from and when we die, that is where we will go. Understanding the mind of another species is extremely difficult, even Sky or I could not one hundred percent understand each other. Trust me, we are fine being excluded from a private ceremony like that just like they would be excluded from ours," Blake smiles back up at me as he goes on to the orange paint.

"Oh, nevermind then," I laugh lightly as I grab the orange paint from him earning me a two second glare from him.

"And by the way, don't worry about the Alpha's and other pack members not liking you. They are all allies to the Red Moon Pack so they wouldn't dare disrespect you. Did Sky ever tell you about the werewolf government? No, okay, so every species has its own government but they are all pretty much the same. Each government has let's call them presidents, one for each continent. And every continent has multiple wolf packs and their Alpha's are like vice presidents to that one president. The president changes every four years to a different pack so while one year, Sky might be a vice president, she could be the president of the packs in North America in another year. The president is like a representative in the SCU, or the Supernatural Creature Union, which is made of all the presidents of all the species. So, there are about seven or six presidents of each species in the SCU, so maybe 50 or so members in total, and they represent their species in their continent. They also pass laws and fight for their people in the SCU. The SCU meets three times a year every six months and for the last 30 years or so, the SCU has seemed to be in pretty good shape. Again, witches and other supernatural creatures have the same type of governments except for vampires, since they can't procreate, they have a government that is a little bit different but still has presidents. Also, you will be a great Luna, I am glad you accepted Sky's offer," Blake smiles warmly at me and I look at him confused.

"Wait, she told you?" I ask him.

"Besides trying to keep peace between our two species, we are also personal best friends. She comes to me every time she has a problem just like I go to her when I have a problem," Blake laughs and I join in.

"Sorry, I know that you guys are friends. Did you think that I was going to say yes?" I ask him curiously.

"In my most honored opinion," he turns to look at me with a silly expression, "I believed you would say yes. I may not know everything about werewolves but I know what the mate bond is. Werewolves aren't the only ones to have it. All supernatural creatures have them but we can sense them in different forms. To witches, it is more of a soul finding another while werewolves, it's like finding your other half. And to answer the question probably inside your brain, yes, supernatural creatures of different species can be mates. It can happen. And no, I have not met my mate but hopefully, one day I will and hopefully they can handle me," Blake chuckles as he grabs the green paint.

Suddenly the bell rings. "Oh well, story time over," Blake says and I chuckle as I grab my backpack. I turn to see the teacher behind Blake coughing to get his attention and I try to hold back my laughter.

"May I ask why you decided to paint on one of my tables Mr. Zin?" the teacher asks codly and I try harder to hold back my laughter.

"Well ma'am, it was an expression. The table was my easel because art should be placed everywhere like you say all the time," Blake says in a calm expression and I can't help but laugh as he is digging his own grave.

"Even though it is a beautiful flower, CLEAN IT UP NOW or you will have detention. Next time, use your notebook," the teacher angrily shouted and I laughed so hard as she walked away. Blake asks me to help him but I leave the classroom quickly and he shouts and laughs at me as I leave.

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