Shopping And A Movie Night

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"Ally, meet my sister Claire. She's in 10th grade so you probably haven't seen her around at all," Blake says as I approach his car.

"Hi, freut mich. Blake keeps talking about you at home and how you're his angel in spanish," Claire says as she extends her hand.

"Hey. Hahaha, oh really?" I ask.

"Are we ready to go?," Blake rolls his eyes and moves to the car.

Claire walks around the car and throws her bag into the back and climbs in. I walk to the front and climb in.

"Where exactly are we going?," I ask.

"There is a bigger town about an hour away. It's the closest one in any direction. And they have shops," Blake says as he turns to look in his rearview mirror so we can leave the parking lot. As he gets out of the spot, I turn to see Sky with Mika walking out of school. I wave at her to see me. She spots me and gives me a soft smile before I pushed against my seat and sped off into the distance by Blake. By the time we got to the mall, Blake had his music blasting and I was shouting curses at him in all the languages I knew since he was speeding like crazy.

Claire grabs my hand and we enter into the shops looking at all the different kinds of clothes.

"So, your Sky's "girlfriend"?," Clairs asks with her eyebrow raised at me.

"Uh yeah, how do you know Sky?," I ask.

"Blake and her have to talk a lot since Sky and Blake are both taking over the major businesses at home. So I occasionally met her since I am Blake's sister," she says as she looks through shirts.

"Oh look, this is perfect for you and your figure," she turns to look at me and holds up this blood red tube crop top that showed a lot of my belly and shoulders.

"Uhh, I don't know," I say as I eye it.

"But this would look so sexy on you, and Sky would LOVE it. Trust me. You would look hot in this," she says as she throws it in my direction. "Now let's find the perfect pants. Do you have boots for it?," she asks.

"Yeah a pair of short black heel boots," I replied.

The rest of the afternoon was spent looking for the perfect pair of black pants which we did find in about 20 minutes after Clairs shoved about ten in my direction. Then she pulled me to Victoria's Secret to get a push up red bra to go under my shirt. I had to admit I was having a really fun time with her. Blake was off god knows where doing something so Claire and I stayed together until Claire texted Blake to come meet at the car in 20.

It was already 18:30 by the time we met up at the car and by 17:20, I was rolling up into my driveway.

"Hey mija, how was school and shopping?," my mom asks as I walk through the front door.

"Good mom, I am tired. I am going to go to work on mi tarea. I'll probably come down and grab some dinner around 22:00 or something," I reply as I walk up the stairs.

"Have fun," my mom laughs as she turns back to watch tv.

I somehow managed to walk up the stairs even though my body was shouting curses at me. After school, practice, and shopping, I was completely drained. As I climbed up the attic stairs, I threw the bags on the side near my bed and went to turn on another lamp since only one was on.

Wait. All my lights were off when I left.

"AHHH," I scream.

"Why are you here?," I whisper as her blue eyes meet mine.

"MIJA, WHAT'S WRONG?," I hear my mom shout from downstairs.


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