The Kiss

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As I wake up the next day, I can't help but smile like crazy. Just thinking of her smile, her beautiful face, and her beautiful figure, I can't help but blush.

And now I sound like a pervert.

I turn to my side and grab the clock sitting on my bedside.

Oh sweet I slept in, it's only 7:15.

I get up from my bed and walk over to my dresser. I pick up some black denim (pray to the denim gods), red crop top, black high-top converse, black belt, and a black hoodie in case I get cold. I walk over to my jewelry and pick out my favorite necklace, which has a small chain and a quartz crystal hanging on the edge of it. I also grab some medium size hoop earrings and my watch from the other bedside table I have. I grab my black backpack from the floor and hit onto the stairs.

Just to be annoying, I walk over to my brother's room and knock rather loudly. "Hey Jay, WAKE UP," I scream the last part. I walk down the steps quickly knowing if I stayed on that floor, I may not live. I could smell the coffee in the kitchen and reached up to grab a cup. At a short height, my mother and I both put all out necessities in the kitchen low on cabinets. Jay, who I could say would be around 190 cm, puts his stuff higher so that we have a nice way for all of us to reach things. I pour myself some of that nice black coffee from the pot and put two pieces of bread in the toaster knowing Jay will be getting down the stairs quite soon.

Speaking of the devil, Jay walks down stomping on each step making it pretty clear to anyone looking at him that he is mad. I pass him quickly while I move to mom's room to wake her up.

As I pass Jay, I definitely hear some german and spanish curses flowing my way. He looks like he is hungover and got tackled by a whole american football team. His dark brown curls flinging left and right while his droopy eyes try to get him to the kitchen. I knock softly on mom's door. "Mom, time to wake up. It's 7:30," I say lightly. I hear a response from mom so I decide to walk back to the kitchen.

"Hey, one of those was for me," I whine at Jay when I see him with both slices of bread.

"Fuck off, I do not care bitch," he angrily looks at me. I go back to the fridge and put another piece of toast in.

"Who pissed in your cereal?," I reply back.

"Fuck you jackass. For your information, I was up until midnight playing games," he says as he raises his voice.

"Go suck a dick, not my fault," I say as I exit the kitchen while he points the middle finger up at me. I chuckle to myself and walk up the stairs. I need to badly brush my teeth and maybe try and do something with hair. I decided to put some coconut oil and avocado oil in my hair while rinsing it, allowing me to put it into two box braids.

As the morning pases, and Jay gets less grumpy, we head to school in the car. I can't wait for classes, any of them with Sky. Sadly, all I have with her is Science Fiction Lit. , AP Calc, and German 3 which I guess is a lot, but I am sad that I do not see her for more than that.

As I walk through the halls familiarizing myself with the classes, I bump into Blake.

"Heyyyyy, morning," he says cheerfully.

"Morning. What class you have?," I ask.

"Uhhh, Español 4,"he replies back to me. I can't tell where he is from but I definitely know it is not from a spanish speaking country because his accent is so bad lol.

"Uhh muy bueno," I laugh at him.

"Woah, your spanish is so good," he says looking at me with awe.

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