Birthday Day Part 1

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"Baby, sweetie, wake up," I feel my body being tugged at as my sleepy eyes try to piece the blurry figure in front of me.

"Mom, what time is it?," I ask as I go to reach for my phone.

"It's only 6:30, Mamá," I groan as I roll over in my bed. Even though I do like the morning, I did stay up late finishing my homework since I lost track of time texting Sky.

Good thing she didn't come over, then I wouldn't have done any homework.

"Yes mija, but Feliz Cumpleaños!," I hear my mother cheer for me.

"It's my birthday?," I jump up immediately to ask.

"Oh my god, it's my birthday!," I shout as my body is fully awake by now.

I almost forgot it's Friday. I was so tired last night.

"Ja, happy 19th sweetheart," I hear my mother say as she goes to kiss my cheek.

"Thanks mamá," I reply back. I grab my phone from the night drawer to see if I got any texts, hoping for one from a certain someone.


Happy Birthday Ally! (sent at 12:00)

A blush creeps up on my cheeks as I reply back a "thanks babe". I suddenly have a brilliant idea. No. Scratch that. An amazing one. I jump up from the bed causing my mom to wonder where I was going as I run down the stairs and open Jay's room.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWIN BESTIE," I shout as I jump on Jay's sleeping body. He jolts up awake and groans as he tries to push me off and shut up.

"HAPPY 19TH," I shout back as I fight with his half sleeping arms.

"Go away you bitch," Jay shouts back as he moves to put his pillow over his head to stop my incessant shouting.

"Nope," I laugh as I hear my mom coming down the attic stairs.

"Ally, be good to your brother. When he is fully awake, tell him that chocolate chip pancakes are downstairs waiting for both of you," my mom tells us as she goes over to the stairs and walks down. All of a sudden, I feel Jay push me off the bed and run out of his room towards the kitchen.

"Oh no you don't," I mumble as I sprint out of his room down the kitchen. As I enter, Jay sticks his town at me and laughs. My mom goes over to kiss and pat his head.

"Morning sweetie. Feliz Cumpleaños!," she says as she hands him three chocolate chip pancakes. I stick my tongue back out at him as my mother goes to give me my pancakes.

"So, same as last year. You guys can go to school or stay home today since it is your birthday," my mom says as she goes to sit down at the end of the table.

"Nah, I think I will actually go to school this time," Jay says, which shocks me because he always stays home for his birthday. He claims it's the "one day a year I don't get hit with a shoe by mom for skipping school" which I think is a hundred percent true but I wonder why he would go to school this year.

"Um, why?," I laugh as I dig into my pancakes.

"Well annoying sister, it is none of your business," he replies back to me, sending me a warning look.

"Oh, I know! Is it because of your gurl-friend," I say in a cutesy voice. "I bet you want to make out with her and dry hump her some more on the picnic tables," I hold back a laugh as he glares at me.

"Shut up," Jay says as he gobbles down his food.

As the embarrassingly long breakfast ends, I go up to change into some school clothes and put on some light mascara. I run downstairs to catch Jay just in time as he leaves the house.

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