Breakfast With Friends

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"Breakfast time," I hear Sky yell and we all get up and crowd around the island in the center of the kitchen.

"Oooooh, yes," Jason shouts as his eyes shoot fully awake as he goes for a piece of bacon. Sky rolls her eyes and I chuckle lightly at her reaction.

"Kole, grab the plates," Mika says as she turns to grab forks and knives from behind her. Kole reaches over and lifts up to grab the plates on the top shelf.

Tall people.

I grab two pancakes, a few slices of bacon, some fruit, and some eggs and put them on my plate. Sky motions me across the hallway to the dining room and I gasp at the beauty. It's a small room with a big long table in the center with eight chairs, along with some drawers on the side and a few (definitely old) paintings along the wall.

"Sweet," I smile as I look around and notice Sky looks happy but I think it's because I like the room.

"Here's your seat," Sky says as she pulls out a chair for me to sit on.

"Why, thank you," I giggle lightly as I bow slightly. Sky rolls her eyes but I can see her trying to hide her smile.

"Incoming," Jason shouts as we turn around to see everyone else with heaps of food join us. I hear a "animals, they are all animals," come from Sky and I can't help but giggle again.

A new face comes to join us as everyone sits down. His appearance looks like a mix of Jason and Sky, yet he looks to be around ten and has short, buzzed cut, curly hair. I look at Sky with confusion until I finally understand.

This must be Jiago, the youngest.

"Hey, nice to meet you," I say as I extend my arm across the table.

"Hahahahaha, oh my god, it's true. Sky has a human mate. I could smell you around the house yesterday and I was wondering when I would meet you. Freut mich," Jason laughs as he shakes my hand.

"Uh, okay," I wonder how to respond to that introduction.

"Meet the youngest cub, last and definitely least, Jiago," Sky says as she continues to eat her food.

"Fuck you Sky," Jiago adds as he cuts into his pancakes and puts a drizzle of syrup on them.

"Can someone pass the fruit bowl please?," I ask as I look for the fruit bowl around the table.

"Here," Jason says with his mouth full as he passes me the bowl.

"Thanks," I smile back.

Why does everyone talk about him being a trickster. He's not that bad.

"AHHH," I scream as I throw the bowl on the table. "There's a big black hairy spider in the bowl," I shout.

I see Sky roll her eyes and glare at Jiago who played the innocent face card. Sky stands up and leans over the table to the bowl.

"No fear Ally, it's a fake," Jason chuckles and I look at Jiago who keeps shoving food in his face and deliberately avoiding eye contact.

Spoke too soon.

"Game on," I say as I continue to stare at Jiago.


We all turn to see where the noise came from as Jay pulls out his phone.

"Oh sis, mom wants to know what cake you want for next week so she can tell the bakery," Jay tells me as he puts his phone away. Sky turns quickly to look at me.

"Oh, right. Yeah, it's Jay's and I's birthday next week. December 1st to be exact. We're having a birthday dinner but you guys are more than welcome to join us," I tell Sky and the rest of the group.

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