(Not) Facing Her

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How could a weekend move that fast? Since Friday night, I decided to stay inside my room doing multiple tasks to distract myself from the outside world. I had told my mother I was sick all weekend which got me access to lay in my room without being bothered often. I had texted Mika saying that I could not go to Saturday practice at school because I was really busy this weekend and my mom needed me. A lie, I know. But I could not trust that Mika was human and figured if I went to practice, Sky would try and intercept me.

Sky. I had thought of her everyday, and missed her like hell. I did still feel scared of her even though that idea was tearing me up inside. It was like a part of me was begging me to forgive her and talk to her. That part seemed to be growing bigger and bigger each day.

Ringggggg! Ringgggg!

I grabbed my phone and pressed snooze. I so did not want to go to school today. I think I could get my mother to not let me go.

Speaking of the devil...

My mom's footsteps could be heard and she walked up the attic stairs. I began to put on my best sick face which was pretty good, I had to admit. Back in my younger years, I could get a couple of days at home every few months because "I was sick" as I put it.

"Well, well, what do we have here," my mother smiled as she sat down on my bed.

"You feel any better?," my mother asks in her caring voice.

"No," I reply as my eyes look over to my window.

"Well, I guess you could have one extra day off, but I want you at school tomorrow," she says as she looks straight at me. I look back at the window, hoping she gets the message that I want to be alone. I hear her sigh as she gets off my bed and makes her way to the stairs.

"Hiding in your bed mija won't help you solve your problems. I know you're not sick but I also know you want to be alone right now. I am leaving for work, Jay will be here for another thirty minutes. Have a good day. Te amo," I hear from her. I soon hear her footsteps fade as she gets down to the second floor.

I turn over in my bed and look at my phone. 3 missed texts from Mika and 2 calls from Sky.

At least she is giving me space. That I can respect.

I open up the message app to see what Mika has texted me.


Hey. I just wanted to let you know if you want to talk to someone, I am here. It can be far away from Sky. I think we need to talk.


Heyo. What's up? I know you are not coming for practice but do you still want to hang? Sky is kind of on my tail right now. She really wants to see you and apologize.


Hey, I have a feeling you are ignoring my messages. That's okay. How about we meet up for lunch on Monday? Just the two of us.

I roll back over into my bed. I don't think I was ready to go and meet Mika. I really liked her but I had a feeling that there was another reason her and Sky were so close which meant that Mika knew about Sky.

And my brother has a major crush on Mika which is bad. I couldn't tell him what happened at the party and it seemed like everything was normal for him. For once, he was getting along better than before which was progress somewhere. I felt the sun rise up, hitting the trees I could see out the window. The sky looked so pretty today. The door slamming shut and the "bye mamá" I could hear from Jay got me out of the trance. I grabbed my notebook and my pencils and started to draw whatever came to mind but the only thing that could was Sky's beautiful face. I threw my notebook to the side frustratedly and walked over to my computer on my desk.

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