Sky's Birthday

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"Shit, shit, shit, shit, I'm late," I shout as I scramble around my room picking up clothes for the day. I grab my books from my bed and jump up and down trying to pull my pants up. As soon as I'm dressed and have all my books, I rush downstairs as quietly as I possibly can, trying not to make noise since Jay is still sleeping and I decide to be nice to him. As I reach the kitchen and grab a Poptart along with an apple. I pull my lunch together which consists of a very badly made peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a bag of chips, yogurt, and an orange. I check my watch which says 7:15 and I head out of the house but not before leaving a note saying I left early to help Mika.

I walk down into town and across Main Street into an alleyway that hits a street in the direct center of the town yet it stays hidden away. The small narrow street hides away the more hidden supernatural shops in case people were to pass by but some normal shops were here too. I walk down a few of them until I hit "Josalynn's Jewelry" and walk inside.

"Oh look who it is. Hey darling, you're here for the necklace right?," the lady known as Josalynn asks.

"Hey Josalynn, yes I am. I was wondering if you have it done," I ask, pulling on my best puppy look. She turns to look at the back room and then smirks back at me.

"You are in luck. My mineral and rocks guy came last night and I was able to craft it together with some magic as he left," Josalynn says as she moves her light blondish/whitish hair up into a small bun. She steps down her stool behind a big case of jewelry and pushes through a curtain leading into the back room. A few seconds later she comes out holding a piece of a chain showing through her fingers as she steps back on her stool and motions me forward.

"It's so pretty. It's perfect," I warmly smile at her as she smiles back, pleased in what I see.

"Here's the picture by the way," I hand her a picture of me as I continue to stare at the beautiful piece of jewelry. As she takes the picture, she opens up the necklace to do her magic.

"Here it is. Take it," She says as she hands me the jewelry.

"How much?" I ask her.

"Consider it a gift. I hear about you all the time from my grandson and how much of a friend you are to him. By the way, give this to him for me," She tells me and hands me a small box filled with rocks and gems. I look at her with a confused face.

"But isn't Blake a healer?" I ask, confused.

"Yes but Claire can use this on her plants then give the plants to him for his practice," She smiles sweetly at me and I make an "ohhhhh" face.

"Well, thank you again Mrs. Zin. Have a good day," I wave back at her as I leave the shop. I check my watch to see it's only 7:40 and I still have time to help Mika out. She had called me last night saying she needed my help on something and if I could come in early to school to help her.

It can't be homework, can it? She has zero care for school.

I walk down another alley and hit the corner with Wolf Howl on it and I cross the street to hit the road with the school on it. I walk fast across the parking lot and open the doors to the school finding the art classroom in hallway D.

I push open the door and find Mika standing with one of the mannequins using it as a prop for whatever clothing she is putting on it.

"Hey, what do you need my help with?" I ask her as I walk into the classroom.

"I need your help on Sky's ceremonial outfit since I couldn't finish it at home and Sky can't see it until tonight," Mika looks at me with worried eyes.

"Okay I'll help you. Wow, it's beautiful Mika. Really, really beautiful," I tell her as she walks over to grab some fabric from her bag.

She'll look ravishing in it.

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