The Luna Ceremony Part 1

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"God damn Ally. How do you do your hair every day?!" Mika asks, shocked as she tries to brush through my knots and curls.

"Hahaha. I know, right? It takes about thirty minutes and it sounds like a heavy thunderstorm when my brush goes through my hair," I laugh back.

"Oh my god. You poor girl," Mika laughs as she moves my hair around. I decided to put my hair into two fishtail braids, one on each side of my head.

"Mika, I love these!!" I shout out as I look at myself through the mirror.

Damn. I do look hot.

My dress fit perfectly, hugging my body in all the right places. I planned on wearing sandals and Mika was about to have a heart attack hearing that but I convinced her that no one could see my feet anyway through that dress. I also chose some white flowers to hold onto when I walk down towards Sky. I start lightly crying as I think of just how perfect everything is today.

"Hey, hey, hey now. What's wrong?" Mika asks, worried.

"Nothing. I'm just so happy. Today is just so perfect and I am just so happy," I reply, trying to hold in my tears. Mika looks down towards me and her worriedness changes to happiness.

"I know. I know," Mika lightly rubs my back.

"Listen to this though. Soon you will be kind of my boss, but you will also be Kole's boss so you can order him around all day," Mika laughs and I can't help but giggle. I dry my eyes so that Mika can put on my mascara and eye shadow. As she finishes, I can't help but giggle at the thought of today. That in just a few hours I would be "married" to the love of my life. I twist the promise ring and my birthday ring from Sky around my finger thinking that the same finger on my left hand will hold a new one.

"Now c'mon. Time to move out and get this show on the road. I want cake," Mika laughs and I giggle at her as she shoos me up and we walk towards the hallway. I walk down the stairs slowly, trying very carefully not to screw up my dress. I didn't want to end up tripping on the stairs and ruining my dress. As we reached the bottom stairs, we went through the front doors and around the house towards the back. I tried to look through the crowd subtly to find Sky but everyone was up and chatting. We walked towards the end of the isle and Mika separated from me and hooked onto Jay's arm.

"Hi sweetie. You look beautiful," I turn around to see my mother standing beside me.

"Danke mamá," I smile back warmly. I hook my arm around her and we stand near Jay and Mika.

"I am so proud of you sweetheart," She says and gives me a quick kiss on my right cheek.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please. The ceremony is about to start," I hear Sky's father say and I turn toward the other end of the aisle. Music starts playing and Kole and Jason start walking down the aisle. Then as they reach the end I see Mika and Jay start walking down the aisle. As they end, my breath hitches in my throat as we turn the corner to start walking down the aisle.

I look down to see Sky in the most beautiful jumpsuit. It hugs her curves in all the right places with a line of flowers all around her waist. She also has on white stilettos which makes her in total look absolutely stunning. She turns to look at me and I can see I have the same effect as her. I can see love in her eyes. And lust. It makes me hot thinking about tonight. We are going to have our first night together and she will mark me and we will "mate" in Sky's terms.

As we keep walking I see all the pack members turn to us and smile and I smile right back. They all stand up as we walk past and as we reach the end, everyone sits back down as well as my mother. I turn to face Sky and I can't help but lose my breath as I look at her. She smiles back at me with a big grin, a little blush on her cheeks. Her hair is nicely put in a bun and I see her fighting her dominance with her wolf in her eyes.

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