Window Visit

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"Hey," I hear from behind me and my heart stops beating again. I couldn't help but miss her face and body over the last few days. She definitely looks different with her disheveled hair and black shirt and sweatpants she had on.

She sat on the ledge of the windowsill, leaning her head against the side.

"Hey," was the only thing that could come out of my mouth.

"I'm not here to hurt you. I just wanted to see you," she says quickly as if to reassure me of her intentions.

"I want to talk. About what I saw Friday," I say, meeting her eyes. Her eyes held sadness and hurt in them as she looked back at me.

"I am sorry I did not tell you but you could probably see why I did and could not," she chuckled lightly.

"We aren't really supposed to tell humans about us unless they are our mate," she says quietly at the end.

"You are a werewolf?," I say but it comes out more as a question.

"Yes. I am. Ummmm, but we're not bad. Well not all of us. My pack is good. Um, we wolves mainly stay in packs. They can range from 200-1000 members. North America has um I think seven because Canada, U.S., and Mexico are pretty big but we have to hide from outsiders so we get more limited space," she says.

"Okay. Ummm, what happened Friday?," I ask cautiously.

"Ugh, it was annoying, I will give you that. I wanted to tell you at a WAY better time, trust me. John, a pack member of mine got drunk, and started a fight with one of Blake's coven members. I'm glad he at least just told you about him and his stuff," she replies to me.

"How?? How did you hear him?," I ask.

Sky taps her ear twice on the side. "Babe, I am a werewolf. I hear very well," she smiles back at me. I couldn't believe her hearing was that good. And the way babe rolled off her tongue made me forget all about the last few days. She smiled like she knew she had that effect on me which I could not deny that she had.

"And so, I had to show him that getting into a drunk fight with one of the witches was unacceptable and that he should know his place," Sky said, her voice hitting a more deeper note.

"But that is over for now," she says as she looks back up at me with a puppy dog face.

"Ally, do you forgive me? I am so sorry I did not tell you," Sky says as she gets off the windowsill and heads towards me. I don't move back. It's like my body is telling me to stay where I am.

"I.. I ... I forgive you," I express to her. Her eyes don't show the sadness and hurt anymore but love and happiness from my words. I blush lightly and smile back at her.

She walks towards me some more and moves one of her hands to my cheek and I warm into the touch.

"Can I..," she starts asking as her eyes move back from my eyes to her lips. I nod slightly and that's all it takes for her to dive right into my mouth. Her kisses are fast and rough but also somewhat gentle as she glides her tongue with mine and I forget all the stuff in the last few days. I feel so addicted to her kisses that I can't help but pull her body closer to mine.

"Wait, wait, we can't do this now. We have to talk more and get everything sorted out. I have to tell you everything about me," she says in between kisses and then lets go of my face. I miss her hand on my face because now it feels cold.

I walk over to my bed and motion her to come and sit next to me. She walks over to me and grabs my hands and intertwines them with hers.

"So, me being a werewolf is not the only thing I have to tell you. So, what I said before is true. That we stay away from humans for a good reason unless a human is out mate," she says looking straight into my eyes.

The Alpha And Her Human Mate (Werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now