The Luna Ceremony Part 2

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"Sky where are we going," I ask as we pass Sky's room and continue down the hall.

"Our bedroom," Sky smirks back to me and turns right at the end of the hall. I watch confused as she leads me to a more private side of the floor and through a door.

"This is the Alpha's and Luna's bedroom. The bathroom is over there," Sky points to the wall and door to the left of us. "My parents moved out last week. I put up the paint and got a new bed, new drawers, closets, etcetera."

I lightly gasp as I look around the room. To the front of the room, opposite of the windows is a brand new bed, dark blue and white sheets with white pillows. On the opposite wall, there is a nice vanity mirror with a table and a chair. To the right there are two dressers. To the right wall there is a big closet door and an even bigger closet filled with shoes and bags. There is also a closet right next to that one holding hangers for dresses and other things.

The walls are painted a nice grey with white around the windows and the ceiling painted a nice deep blue. I walked over to the bathroom to see a huge bathtub in the corner which could fit at least three people. All the floor and walls are made of marble with a white ceiling and a whit sink and bathtub. I walk back into the main bedroom to explore some more.

"Do you like it," I hear Sky ask in front of me. I turn to face her and smile.

"It's perfect," I smile at her and her nervousness disappears.

"Really?" She asks.

"Yes," I nod slowly as I walk up to her and kiss her. I feel the electricity through her lips and hands which are now roaming around my body and I love it. I slowly back away and turn around to silently ask her to undo my dress. I feel her hands run up to my zipper and slowly lower the zipper down which results in my dress falling down my body.

I turn back around to face her so she can see my sheer white lace underwear and bra. I walk slowly back to her as she rakes her eyes up and down my body. I grab her face to go back to kissing her harder this time and she pushes me closer to her. My hands move to her back to find her zipper. Once I reach it, I slowly push it down and go back to her straps on her shoulder and move them down, slowly pulling her jumpsuit down.

Sky steps back letting me examine her body and her lace white garments. I walk up to her and shove her down on the bed getting a shocked but lustful reaction from her on my unexpectedness. She raises her right eyebrow and smirks, wanting me to dominate knowing full well I will lose the battle. I slowly walk to her while wrapping my hands on my bra strap and tugging it down along with my underwear so I stand completely naked in front of my mate. I look to her throat to see her gulp down whatever air she holds as she looks up and down my body.

I continue to walk to the bed and once I reach it, I grab the hem of her lace underwear and bring it down to her feet before her feet toss it off. I slowly kiss her stomach and then move up to her breasts. I hook my arms around her and undo the bra strap and throw the bra onto the floor.

Suddenly, I find my back on the bed and Sky on top of me kissing me on my lips, my face, my neck, and my breasts. I release a light moan as Sky starts sucking my right nipple while massaging my left breast. All of a sudden, Sky shoves me onto the pillows at the front of the bed and I slowly shift up until my back is connected to the headboard.

Sky motions for me to stay still while she climbs over to the side table next to our new bed letting me get a nice view of her ass. As she opens the top drawer I see her in hand with two white long ribbons. She turns to look at me asking for permission and I smirk and nod my head knowing exactly what will happen. Sky goes to my right hand which is closest to her and wraps the ribbon around my wrist, tying it to the headboard then moving to my left hand and doing the same thing. She steps back admiring her work and winks at me.

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