Movie Time

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"Hey babe, before I forget, what do you want for your birthday?," I ask Sky as I look up to face her since I'm kind of smushed to her chest with her arms wrapped around me and my arms wrapped around her hips.

"You," Sky replies and I grab a pillow and throw it at her as she laughs.

"Um, let me see, I want nothing. I already have all that I want," Sky says as she goes to dip her head into a kiss and I welcome her with my lips and a blush on my cheeks even though she didn't give me a real answer.

"Fine, since you are not going to tell me what you want, I will just have to keep it a surprise," I say as I sit up from my bed.

"Where are you going?," Sky grabs me and pulls me back onto the bed.

"I need to eat babe," I say as I go to kiss her cheek and sit back up. I decide to change my clothes now since the ones I have on are from last night. I walk to my drawers and pull out two pairs of sweats and two grey shirts and will give a pair of sweats and one of the shirts to Sky.

"Here. You are still in your clothes from last night. You can borrow my clothes," I throw the clothes at Sky.

"These smell like you. I like your scent. I don't know why but you smell like shea butter and like citrus fruits," Sky says while putting on my shirt.

"Hmm, good to know," I giggle as I turn around so my side is facing Sky while I look in the mirror and proceed to take off my black dress. I forget that I am only standing in my underwear since I couldn't wear a bra last night since that was how the dress was made. I can feel Sky's eyes burning into me as I bend down to get my shirt and sweats. As I put on my shirt and sweats, I turn to Sky and stick my tongue out.

"Perv," I giggle as I go to put my dress in the laundry basket. All of a sudden, I'm pushed up against a wall and Sky places light kisses all over my neck making me moan lightly.

"I can't help it if my mate is moving around her room in only a little piece of underwear that visibly shows her beautiful ass," Sky says as she continues placing kisses all over my neck.

"Babe, I need breakfast," I remind her and I can feel her pout as I pull away and move downstairs and I roll my eyes and giggle at her reaction.

"Oh, you're so overdramatic," I laugh as we turn to look at the living room. Since we stayed up late and it is only 9:00, I'm not surprised to see that everyone else is asleep.

"C'mon, let's leave them to rest," I turn to Sky who is kicking Jason awake.

"Sky!!!," I whisper-shout.

"What? I'm just reminding him who's the older sibling since he stole my textbook the other day. This will leave a little bruise but he's a deep sleeper," Sky smirks and I glare at her.

"He won't even wake up. See?," Sky says as she kicks him again but she was right since he was still sound asleep. I roll my eyes and head downstairs.

I'm too tired for that nonsense.

I hear Sky following my footsteps quickly as I land downstairs and make my way to the kitchen.

"Buenos días Mamá," I say as I enter the kitchen and see my mom reading the newspaper on her Ipad and sipping her coffee.

"Morning sweetheart. Morning Sky," She smiles at both of us as Sky follows in behind me.

"Good morning Alika, may I have some of that coffee?," Sky asks as she points towards the coffee maker.

"Of course sweetie. Help yourself," She smiles back at Sky who goes to grab a coffee cup.

"You want some babe?," I hear Sky ask.

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