Morning In Bed

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"Mornin," I hear a very tired Sky groan.

I smush myself around until I'm facing her.

"Morning," I replied back at her, smiling.

"How'd you sleep? Were you comfortable? Do you need a-," I interrupted Sky with a light kiss.

"I'm good and the bed was really comfy although I do not remember going into this bed last night?," I ask, wondering how I really did get into this bed.

"Oh, I brought you here last night when you fell asleep so my mom wouldn't kill me," Sky laughs off.

"You or your wolf?," I laugh.

"She's cute by the way," I add.

"Thanks. She thinks you're hot," Sky laughs.

"How did you sleep?," I ask as Sky turns flat on her back and pulls me up to be on top of her. I didn't realize that Sky was shirtless until I moved around and accidentally touched her right tit.

It looks soooo good. I wanna bite it.

"I slept fine, thanks," I hear Sky say and immediately pull myself out of my dirty mind although I think Sky knows what I'm thinking because she gives me her all knowing smirk.

She sits up against the headboard with my thighs wrapped around her hips. The sparks between us are lighting up like fireworks. I pull the sheets covering her tits down more until both of her breasts are fully revealed for my eyes. I lick my lips and watch her look at me closely.

"See something you like cub?," Sky asks and I give a short nod.

"If you want it, take it," Sky smirks.

I lean down to kiss her nipple and tug at it with my teeth and Sky responds as she grabs a handful of my hair and pulls the sheets off of us. I tug at it some more with my teeth and I can't help but moan as my mouth moves over her whole breast.

"Fuck cub," I hear Sky groan.

I move my hand to her left tit and tug at it the same. Then I switch giving the left nipple equal feeling while I hear Sky breathing heavily. I think of a wonderful idea all of a sudden and start kissing her stomach.

Wait, she has a stomach piercing?!

I look up questioning and she gives a slight nod along with a "birthday present". I continue kissing around her piercing and sucking on her skin leaving little marks. I lower myself more and start tugging on her red lace underwear until Sky grabs my chin and pulls me up.

"You don't have to cub if you don't want to take the next step," Sky says, looking at me sweetly.

"I know," I smirk and go back down to her underwear and tug at it with my teeth while eyeing Sky. I pull the lace down more with my teeth and grab it with my fingers to tug it off the rest of the way as I dive right into her sweet cunt. Sky moans silently and I spread her legs and stick my tongue through her hole.

She's so wet and hot.

I couldn't help but moan at her taste sending vibrations up to Sky which made her moan louder this time. I locked eyes with her clit and reached for it with my tongue. As I touched and licked it sofly, Sky whined softly.

"Cub, fuck. Faster please,"Sky was practically begging.

I grabbed both of her thighs and put them on my shoulders as I reached for her clit again but this time rubbing it faster. Sky grabbed my hair harder and pulled me closer making it harder to breathe but I couldn't care if I died in between these thick thighs.

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