The New Kid

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I had somehow seemed to have taken more time finding my locker and opening it as well as finding the gym locker room because as soon as I got on my gym clothes for first period, I heard the loud clanging of locker doors and mumbling of students through the wall.

All of a sudden, the cross country girls team and the futbol girls team walked in from the doors leading out to the field. They all looked like they had worked up a sweat but could still go for another hour out there.

"Um, excuse me," I say as I walk over to what I assume is the captain of the cross country team. She looks over to me and smiles.

"Can I help you?"

"Hi. My name is Ally. I am a new student here and wondering if there was still a spot open for the cross country team?," I ask while trying my best to look presentable.

"Ummm, I think we do have a few spots left. You can come to practice today after school. It will only be for about 30 minutes of running since we had about an hour of practice this morning since yesterday we had a break. Practice is at 15:30, and you can come back here and change into your gym clothes and head out to talk with Coach Teel," she replies to me.

"My name is Jayla by the way," she says as she extends her hand to me.

"Nice to meet you Alicia," I pull out my hand to shake as well.

"Well, I have to go but see you later at practice," she says as she motions for some of the other girls to also leave for class.

I wait a few minutes since I still have five minutes until I need to be out on the field. Students continue to enter in, many surprised to see a new person sitting on a bench in the locker room.

Definitely a place where you don't see new faces too often.

As soon as I heard the bell ring, I joined the rest of the group of girls who exited the back door to the field. The boys were also leaving their locker room and walking onto the field. As we huddled together near the bleachers, the coach started yelling about how today we would run only 10 laps around the track and then we could lay on the bleachers until others were done.

Wow, what an amazzziiiinnnggg gym teacher.

I could feel my eyes rolling into the back of my head.

"...oh and before I forget, we have a new student. Ally Koch, step up here please," the coach looked towards me and motioned me forward.

Embarrassingly, I walked up to her and turned to the class.

"Hi I'm Ally. I moved here with my brother and mother yesterday," I say really quickly so all the eyes could turn off from me.

"Alright. START MOVING," the coach shouted to the rest of the class and they started running. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around.

"Hi. I'm Blake. I was wondering if you wanted to run the laps together?," he asks while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah sure. Thanks. I don't know anyone and don't have my music to run with," I reply back.

We start running around the track, and I realize that most of the class is in really good shape and seem to all move pretty fast while Blake and I were just jogging around. Blake talked about the school and how Jay and I were the first new kids ever and that I would probably get a lot of stares for a week until everything went back to normal. He talked about how the town was pretty tight-nit, like one big family, and that it never really changed.

We continued to run until the coach shouted that we had five minutes to change until next period so I waved goodbye to Blake and went back to the locker room to change clothes. As I was changing clothes, some girls came up to me and introduced themselves to me and welcomed me to Cresthill.

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