Four Days Until My Birthday

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"Ugh, how do teachers expect us to do this?," Mika whines as she lays on top of Jay, trying to finish homework.

"Haha. It's one science project. All you had to do last night was find information. How is that hard?," I laugh at Mika as she glares back.

"For your information, I was busy sleeping in my bed yesterday," Mika stuck her tongue back at me. I chuckle back a laugh as she starts eating her lunch grumpily.

"Well you better have done the homework Mika or I might actually kill you," Kole shoots back at Mika. They were forced to be partners for the project and even though they were good friends, Mika wasn't the best at school nor gave any care for it. Although now that I think about it, none of them really cared. They weren't going to University around here or out of here, they were staying here to be the beta and delta of the pack.

"Oh my god, I forgot to ask! What do you guys want for your birthday?," Mika jumps up as she turns to look at me and Jay. Jason and Kole turn their heads as well to hear what we want.

"Uhh, I don't really know. Some new jewelry or clothes I guess," I say, shrugging back at Mika and the rest of the group.

"Anything from you will be perfect babe," Jay kisses Mika which soon turns into a full out makeout session making me gag lightly. I finish my lunch and look around for Blake and Mika considering that Jason and Kole also started to makeout.

Speaking of makeout partners, where is Sky?

The next second, two arms encircled me against a heavy chest and I smiled in relief when I realized the hands holding onto mine.

"Hey baby, I was just thinking about you," I turned around to find Sky resting her head on mine.

"Sorry. Stayed late for this A.P. Chem class. Had to ask the teacher a few questions," Sky says as she takes her head off mine and starts walking alongside me towards the other set of picnic tables.

"Where's the group?," Sky asks as she looks around the tables.

"Making out," I roll my eyes as I continue walking around looking for Blake. All of a sudden, I feel my arm being tugged into the direction of the school as I turn to look and see Sky pulling it. In the next second, I'm in an empty classroom pushed against the wall and trapped by Sky.

"Hey, what-," I was cut short by Sky's lips on mine but after my surprise, I started kissing her back hungrily.

"If they were having fun, why not us?"Sky smirked as she started trailing kisses to the side of face and down to my neck. I grabbed the back of her neck pulling her back up to me and slammed my lips back down on hers. At some point, my legs began to feel like jelly so I wrapped them around Sky for balance which allowed her to press me down against the wall even harder.


Unluckily, the bell stopped more of our makeout session. I heard Sky groan loudly as she looked like she wanted to punch the bell until it could no longer ring. I stifled a laugh, kissed her goodbye, and headed out towards Spanish class.

I luckily got a seat in the back again with Blake moments before the teacher came in. I think Blake has gotten better at his spanish but since he could barely manage english, he was still managing around a C- in this class. Blake had told me that witches have two languages, one main one for all the covens in the world, and one secret one used in his coven, that was only spoken between witches in the coven and no one else. Not even the werewolves here knew it and they probably never would considering this one was used for their spells and stuff.

I could hear Blake moan and groan as Señorita Rivera told us about some oral presentation that we each would have to do. She allowed us to work in pairs which immediately caused Blake to jump to my side and beg me until I said yes, yet I think the project wasn't that bad. We had to either read a book or watch a movie in spanish, relating to something historical (but could definitely be historical fiction) and write an oral presentation on it, what lessons it teaches us, etc...,etc.....,etc.... . Blake and I agreed to work on it at his house after school and after I was finished with practice.

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