Six Months Later

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It's been six months since Sky has become alpha. She's still in school because her parents still wanted to give her some sort of education but then she comes home and works all afternoon which does make it hard to find her and me time but luckily Sky usually sneaks in late at night to come to my room or a quick making out session in an empty classroom.

Kole and Mika have also been really busy with helping Sky but all three of them can handle stuff like this since they have been training their whole lives. Also, this allowed for Jason, Jay and me to spend more time together which was nice since I got to learn my soon to-be brother in law.

When Mika isn't with Sky or with Jay, she is always by my side helping me plan for the Luna ceremony. Sky put Mika and I in charge since Mika knows everything about this kind of stuff and Sky wanted me to choose what my Luna ceremony will look like. We had decided to go on grey and blue since it was mine and Sky's favorite colors together which Mika was shocked at and called grey "depressing color for teenagers" and dark blue "a sad color worn by sad people" but that didn't stop my decision. Sky is planning on wearing this white long jumpsuit that is a spaghetti strap tank top at the top and a ring of white roses around the center. I am planning on wearing a silver grey dress. The top half will be a deep V-neck strapless top in silver grey fabric with little grey sparkly dots around it. Then it's going to transition into a white fabric that has multiple layers and goes down past my feet so you can't even see my shoe. I also decided on some nice silver grey cat heels as the finish. Mika begged us to design our dresses and I couldn't help but say yes to her but I feel bad knowing doing two dresses in a matter of months is rather difficult.

I asked Blake's and Claire's grandmother to make the rings and she loved it. I moved both the promise ring and my birthday ring from Sky onto my right wedding finger so I could put my wedding ring on the left one.

Sky, Jay, and I had a long talk about it but we decided we should tell our mother about what was happening. I wanted her to be here for the wedding, to sit in the crowd and cry her eyes out as she saw me walk down the aisle. About three months ago we told her and she was completely shocked and out of her mind. But what was even stranger was the fact that she knew about witches but no one else. Apparently it's how she got her job out here was through a good friend who knew about the witches in this town but apparently forgot to mention the werewolves. She took it way better but was more upset at the fact I was getting "married" to put it lightly and that I would not be with her as much anymore.

We all graduated school about two weeks ago (except for Jason who still had one more year to go) so we decided on a small party at the lake to celebrate. I don't think I ever saw Kole as happy as that knowing he would never go to that "torture device with walls" (what he liked to call it) ever again.

Jason though might because I had discovered that Jason liked kids a lot and wanted to teach and I believed he would fit right in at the high school if he wanted too. Mika loved being Delta but was thinking of starting a clothing store here in town as well. And Sky only had eyes for her as Alpha and Alpha only, with me by her side of course.

"You're gonna be so beautiful," I hear Mika behind me say. I blush lightly at her comment and look straight ahead in the body sized mirror. Mika had already finished my dress yesterday and wanted me to try it on. At first, I wanted to wear a jumpsuit like Sky but Mika convinced me to wear a dress since she already had a beautiful design.

"I love it Mika. Thank you," I smile warmly to her through my mirror as I examine my dress.

"Well duh, it's made by me," Mika lightly plays and I chuckle at her attitude.

"No hurry off it. I don't want Sky to see it yet. She still has to wait three more days," Mika added, shooing me away to take off my dress. I was filled with nervousness and anxiety since the ceremony was in three days. Mika had taught me all the steps and instructions for the ceremony and since I am human it will be a bit harder but she said it can work. Obviously I won't be able to shift so we're skipping that part but everything else will be added.

I had decided to have grey banisters where we will stand along with around a couple of thousand seats since there are a couple of thousand pack members. For the long line where I will walk down. I put up silver grey banisters with purple flowers on them. And Mika plans to wear a light purple dress that fades into a deep blue at the bottom. Jay, Jason, and Kole all have black suits that they are planning on wearing and my mother got a nice light red dress for the ceremony.

"Okay get outta here," Mika tells me and I put the dress back in the closet so Sky can't see it. Although this is Mika's room so it will be kept away.

"And tell the Alpha to get her butt in here," I hear her yell as I close the door. I walk back down the stairs to the backyard to see Sky telling a few pack members where to put all the chairs and stuff. I slowly and quietly walk up to her and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Mika wants you," I whisper into her ear and she breaks into a small smile. She turns around to give me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Is this about my clothes for the ceremony?" Sky asks and I nod. "Fine, while I'm away, go shout at the pack members to put stuff in the right position," Sky says as she hands me the clipboard full of information on the ceremony and I roll my eyes at her joke. She walks away towards the house and I turn in the other direction to go talk to some of the pack members. 

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