1: smile

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Twenty-three years of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty

Mei Li knelt down on the white marble surface outside Cining Palace. She did not look up. The sky was gloomy and it seemed to be raining. In the slightly humid air, the flowers in the yard were very bright.

She took a light and light breath, it smelled good... For more than two years, she hadn't smelled the fragrance of flowers. In the desolate and desolate peaceful palace, there were only weeds and unscented dandelion flowers. She likes to be in the warmth. Collect dandelion hair **** in the spring light, and then sit on the broken stone steps in front of the temple and blow them one by one. Those little umbrellas fly away in the gentle wind...free.

She couldn't help but turn her eyes to see those colorful colors, such beautiful things, which made her feel strange, as if she had only seen it in her previous life, just like the magnificent and majestic Ci Ning Palace in front of her!

When she retracted her eyes, she accidentally saw the four beautiful girls standing in front of the palace gate looking at her with strange eyes. She smiled at them slightly, and as expected, they all blinked away. In the past two years, she has gotten used to it. She is used to being looked at with contempt, and she has also learned to appreciate the sympathy of others. Accepting sympathy... is actually a difficult thing. When she can respond to the sympathy of others with a smile, it is not her who is uncomfortable.

There was a low voice of laughter, and several women came out of Ci Ning Palace, and the aunt Yu'an who was next to the Empress Dowager sent them out in person, showing their extraordinary status.

Those delicate flowerpot bottoms stopped beside her, and after passing by, Miri heard a young sweet voice asking in a low voice, "Is she the one who stomped people on horseback?"

"Yeah." The answer should be her mother. After all, she is so mature, and after roughly responding, she scolded softly: "Go out and talk about it."

Down and out of style?

That is accurate. Mei Li picked the corner of her mouth. She was in despair, not because she killed her on horseback riding in the street, but because her Ama's wife passed away and her family properties fell into the hands of her uncle, she had already tasted the taste of despair. It's just that she was young and ignorant that she used to think fiercely to emphasize her status and her pedigree, to obliterate the impression of depression in people's hearts. Really deceiving herself, she suppressed the self-deprecating laugh, because she heard Aunt Yu'an say that she should go to see her ancestors.

She hasn't looked up, not daring to look up.

The kind old lady sitting on the kang is strange and awe-inspiring to her. She can keep saying that she likes her very much and loves her very much, or she can be left in the cold palace for a few years without being indifferent, letting herself think that she is backstage. She is tough, and tastes the coldness of the world.

"Miri..." Xiaozhuang was silent for a while, and his voice choked when calling her.

"The slave and maid are here." She responded in a pretty voice, following the rules.

Xiaozhuang was silent again. Is this really the unscrupulous little girl back then? "You raise your head."

"Hey." She replied obediently, slowly raising her face.

"Yeah!" Xiaozhuang admiredly wiped away the tears that came out with his handkerchief. The original Meili was so stubborn that she loved and hated her, but now Meili was so well-behaved that she was heartbroken. "My little Miri has grown up, and looks so beautiful."

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