47: desire

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It's so easy, the entanglement in my heart is so easy to say!

Jing Xuan hugged her and left the imperial city in a hurry, staggering. Perhaps his expressions were all strange, and the servants who saw them on the palace road all showed a surprised expression.

The body is light and fluttering, Mei Li breathed the cold air in the first month, listening to his heartbeat obviously faster than usual, I don't know if this moment is the most confused moment in life, or the most sober.

"Jing Xuan." She called him. This was the first time in her life that she directly called him by name.

He shook, and even paused in his footsteps.

"For many years, you have owed me and Yunke." She snuggled softly in his arms, and finally said these words confidently.

"Miri..." He was so sad when he whispered to her.

"I've always been afraid to say it. You think I'm arguing to Yunque to deceive you. I'm now... desperate, Jing Xuan, I just want to be willful again."

"Miri!" He interrupted her with a trembling, and she said such words, which made him so scared and heartbroken. He can't stand it.

"Jing Xuan, if you feel that you owe me, then fulfill my wish!" She smiled and looked at him, sweet and stubborn, he stopped, this is the expression of the girl Mili, he thought he would have to do it again in this life I can't see it either.

"You said." He looked at her straight, hoping that time would stop and the world would be destroyed, so...he could keep her.

"I want to be your flat wife, and Yunke wants to be your son!"

Behind the smile was the despair that he and she knew.

This tone, this mood... She is so familiar. It's like a long time ago, she clasped his waist tightly, knowing that he hated him and didn't want to turn around to see her, but she still didn't want to let go, she still pressed his back and asked him to promise: "Jing Xuan Does your brother like Meili? Can you like Meili for the rest of your life alone?"

The wish she made to him—never came true.

"Jing Xuan, in this life, can you fulfill my wish for me? My wish?" She looked at him, but her eyes focused on the dark spot in the depths of his black eyes.

His heart was crushed into powder by her pleading.

He wanted to agree, he wanted to say yes to her without hesitation! Not because he is her only man, not because Yunke is really his son! Perhaps these are no longer so important in the years that have passed. It's just that he realized at this moment that he had never fulfilled any of her wishes, any one!

But he really couldn't give her a clear answer.

His hesitation caused her to close her eyes.

In fact, every time she made a wish to him, she knew better than anyone else that it was impossible to realize it! Every time a wish is made to him, it only increases despair.

He hugged her all the way into the carriage, and ordered the guard maid Haosheng to **** her back to the house. Before leaving, he also got into the carriage and put her in his arms.

"Miri, no matter what, I want to try, I want to work hard for you once!"

Her heart throbbed.

As if he didn't want to face her answer, he quickly flashed out of the carriage and disappeared into the dark palace road.

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