3: Paddock

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When she heard Jiang Liu anxiously ask her to go to the yard to take the order, Mei Li was instinctively frightened. Could it be that the emperor regretted it? Want to catch her back again? !

The **** outside the door urged impatiently: "Mei Li Ge Ge, quick answer!"

Only then did Mei Li slowly let go of her clenched hands, and went out to take orders. Fortunately, it was Yizhi. She lowered her eyes and knelt down on the ground respectfully, even if it was the imperial decree to catch her back... Can she escape? Regardless of good or bad, she has no right to choose, or even to avoid it, all she can do... is to kneel and listen.

The purpose is very simple. If you receive the decree tomorrow, Guigege will accompany the empress dowager and empress to the western paddock to watch hunting. Mei Li raised her hands high up to hold her will, and said she would let her rest for a few days...This is the holy will, let you live and die, and she doesn't even care about your feelings.

After the **** left, Uncle Hai was very happy, saying that the old ancestor was still worried about his family, kind and mighty, and he was eager to find a good tailor to rush to make hunting clothes for her. Spring hunting is coming soon, this time hunting outside the city has the meaning of selecting Youjun. Over the years, hunting and siege activities have been like a blind date meeting in disguise. Those who are not easy to meet are all together. Those Fujin princesses naturally kept their eyes open to see whose young master was handsome and martial, so that they could match their daughters well. Miss Grid was even more excited, just seeing so many handsome men competing on horseback riding together, it was worth many nights of sleeplessness.

Once... She was crazy excited and looked forward to.

In order to attract his attention in the paddock, he sent Uncle Hai, and even went to his uncle's house by himself to ask for silver to make hunting outfits. I deliberately caused some trouble in the paddock and hoped that he would come over and deal with it, even if it was a few words of scolding her, at least he could see her carefully dressed up for him, only she knew how much the luxurious dress had suffered. Complaining and blanking her eyes came in exchange. She has no mother, no caring nanny, all her efforts rely on herself, even piercing her ears...

The girl's feelings have been exhausted in the cold tranquility hall.

Today, even if she thinks of her innocent obsession with Jing Xuan back then, she is mixed with a lot of worldliness. Does she really love Jingxuan? She loves his incomparable beauty, and he loves his prestigious position, as long as she marries him, her life will not be embarrassed. Does she love him? Except for the beautiful face that confuses people, and the cold and domineering awe-inspiring nobleness, does she love his heart? Heart... Has she ever touched his heart? Has he ever let her get close to his heart?

Everything is nothing but the girl's shallow yearning and greed. What did she know about love at that time?

Two years ago, she thought she was shrewd and sophisticated enough, ridiculous! She thought about marrying Jing Xuan, she would be safe and stable, and she would no longer be looked down upon by others. She just didn't expect why Jing Xuan would marry her? !

At the beginning, she was sad and desperate for his widowhood. Even if he didn't want to marry her, he shouldn't coldly demand that she be punished severely. The empress dowager stepped up to protect her. He still refused to forgive her, causing her to be comparable. The cold palace of the prison was trapped for three years. Later... she didn't blame him. If he didn't do this, the ancestors would force her to be his wife. He... first of all, he must protect himself.

Every time she asks herself, what is she to him?

stumbling block!

If nothing happened to Chengyi's brother, Jing Xuan... is the man who wants to be a Junggar horror! He is going to marry the powerful and wealthy Mongolian princess! What about her, what does she have about Shumulu Meili? It is just a short-term gege whose parents have died, and there is not much dowry fighting. It is just that the old ancestors think she is pitiful, and hope that she will get married well before being sealed off and Shuogege. The emperor's cousin doesn't like her.

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