38: fleeting time

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The carriage moved slowly in the cold wind, the snow on the road had been swept to both sides, and the wheels scattered by the wind creaked and creaked.

Yuemo in the car closed the curtain tightly for fear that the cold wind blowing in might hit Mei Li. Just after confinement, I really shouldn't go out in such cold weather.

Mili's cold hands were wet and hot with sweat, she was... very scared!

Because of the need to welcome the triumphant soldiers, Chengde is more lively and busier than usual, with the sound of firecrackers from time to time, and many people display lights and festoons everywhere in the city regardless of the cold.

When the carriage turned into the path leading to General Tuha's other occupation, it seemed to have entered another world. Without the red light curtain, the eyes are full of cold white streamers. Yonghe has been posthumously named a first-class general of the town, and the emperor has made a special order for a grand funeral, and the memorial ceremony has been improved.

When Mei Li got out of the car outside the gate, she was excited by the black-and-white color of her eyes, her heart was like a block of ice that had been broken after freezing, stiff and numb.

Yonghe's body has just been transported back, put in a huge coffin, and placed peacefully at the top of the mourning hall. Ying Rufujin cried and fainted several times. When Mei Li came in, she had seen her calmly sitting in front of the coffin and burning paper money. .

Mei Li thought she would rush over and beat her in an instant. She can now understand the mother's feeling of losing her child. In those days when she was always worried that the child would leave her, the fear and pain had penetrated into her bones and blood. She can understand what Ying Rufujin does to her... and she even hopes Ying Rufujin can hate her and beat her, although she also understands that she can even talk about compensation for Yonghe's debt. Not on!

But Ying Rufujin just looked at her with blank eyes and said nothing.

When she knelt down in front of the coffin and kowped her head sadly, Mei Li burst into tears. Her sense of guilt was so strong that she despaired! She is an unforgivable person in front of Yong Hyuk!

If it wasn't for her, he could marry a daughter-in-law who satisfied and loved his parents. If it wasn't for her, this harmonious family had already taken office in Fujian and Zhejiang. He... could take his beloved wife to wander around the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan, peacefully and happily. Live a lifetime.

It's all her!

His parents suffered the pain of losing their children, and he died in the cold Mongolia!

Shouldn't! So young and handsome, he shouldn't lie in this dark and cold coffin! He has just turned twenty, and his life is just about to bloom with brilliant colors! It's because of her...the only thing left for the originally happy family is grief and death!

She knelt on the cold brick floor, without the strength to get up.

Yonghe, he just left, how does he want her to face the guilt in her heart in this life? !

"Get up." Ying Rufujin's voice was almost hollow, and there was even a slight echo in the mourning hall where only the two of them were alone.

Mei Li almost fell to the ground and wept. She also knew that this look was ugly, but she had no choice but to have only this strength now. She was too painful and too desperate. She had no other choice but to cry like this before his spirit and confess her guilt like this...

"I hated you." Ying Rufujin looked at the paper money turned to ashes in the brazier, with a plain tone, "But I am also ecstatic for Yonghe's achievements in battle, and I am so proud to be a general for him. He is secretly grateful for his success and fame. If Yonghe is not dead, I am...I am..." She couldn't say anything, but smiled bitterly, "So, I don't hate you anymore. Life and death, honor and disgrace are God's will, you too Don't blame yourself too much. Young Hyuk has already gone. No one or anything makes any sense to me."

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