29: arrangement

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The clapper's sound came across several courtyards, and it sounded more bleak and long. It has been five days since then... Mei Li blinked.

The candle's heart is soaked in the melted wax oil, and the light of the bean's fluorescent light seems to go out at any time.

She lay motionless, and even when she fell asleep, he still hugged her in a fully possessive posture, and his chest pressed against her shoulders sent his temperature, which was really warm. Even though the man holding her arm is Jing Xuan, she still feels warm.

She laughed silently, in fact... all she wanted was this. A man who is willing to marry her, a family, she can't fall asleep, someone hugs her at night... He did it all, she shouldn't ask for too much.

As for the future... even if her ancestors asked her to marry someone else, when she was old and young, what was left for her was a lonely and lonely night?

His arm moved, it should be numb by her pillow, she turned her back to him and moved some distance away. Although he was very warm, the posture of sleeping in his arms still made her very tired, because she could not completely snuggle him.

He suddenly twisted her with his other hand, his cold eyes were shining brightly in the dim candlelight, maybe... it was not just her who couldn't sleep at night.

"What are you thinking about?" He sneered, his laughter a little dull.

She shook her head. In fact, she really didn't think about anything, but was used to guarding herself against screaming at night and restraining her drowsiness.

"Don't want to say?" He half propped up, squinted to look at her, his lips pursed in an unpleasant arc.

She lowered her eyelashes and didn't want to explain.

His hands grabbed her thin waist again, her eyelashes shook slightly, she already knew his intention from the palm of his burning palm, her eyes closed subconsciously, and her hands closed like punishment, hurting , Also remembered.

He kissed her as if to **** her up... She opened her eyes obediently, but there was no him in those misty eyes!

He hated it, biting her **** as soft as fat jade, and the sharp pain made her moan. He kneaded his hands, but the pain was hot, she faintly reacted, and her lower abdomen contracted. The liquid he had left in her body gushed out hot and dirty several times before, and she felt filthy and uncomfortable.

He felt it when he touched his hand. He sneered and sneered. He casually pulled the white silk prepared under the pillow and wiped it indiscriminately. The coolness on the silk made her shudder lightly, and he realized it. The fine trembling on the tender and delicate skin made his **** even higher, and he couldn't help but touch it with the hint of teasing, and she trembled slightly.

He is very good at dealing with women, except for the first time, he didn't make her feel uncomfortable with pain, but also let her appreciate the taste of lust. Maybe he still feels fresh about her body, she is not surprised that she has been so all night.

After he made her extremely sensitive with his hands, just entering at the right time made her violently tighten her body, convulsing to reach bliss, he was not irritable, and filled her with her deepest part, enjoying her tightness. Entangled. When she relaxed slightly, he launched a fierce attack, her trembling plump, undulating hair, tight slender legs on his arm... all made him crazy. She fell into the **** expression, half-opened eyes, long and curvy eyelashes, he was deeply infatuated... But he would always be unable to restrain the thought of such a charming her, Yonghe had also seen her! Yong Hyuk has also tasted such a sweet body of ecstasy!

He even thought with disgust, did she respond enthusiastically to Yong Hyuk, who was groaning under him?

Annoyance and jealousy made him manic and rude, his possession was immediately mixed with sadistic intentions, and her chuckles began to rush and sharpen, and her body became more moist and tight, unexpectedly...doubled his pleasure.

When he experienced the bliss she brought to him in the limit, his mood was unexpectedly confused and confused. The silence after her long chanting made him emptily and almost wanted to strangle her throat and squeeze out sweet words, one sentence, one sentence!

All she can give him is the confused and empty eyes, which are due to repressed breathing!

But even this kind of her, he wants to cling to his arms tightly!

He leaned on her, couldn't bear to withdraw from the remaining heat inside her, and he felt his own pathos again.

If he hugged her like this two years ago when she was only him in her heart... He turned over and fell, and the coldness of his body spread into his heart, closing his eyes, but the delicate smile that had been deliberately forgotten appeared in his heart very clearly.

If he can, he is willing to exchange her with the most precious thing at this moment and show him such a bright smile again!

Knowing the result, he couldn't help but open his eyes to see her in his arms. The enthusiasm had faded. She was still lying in his arms with a stiff posture, her eyes waggingly looking at the bednet, she was not asleep, he had discovered... He couldn't fall asleep in his arms, but after he left, he fell asleep alone with an uneasy expression on the back of the bed.

This kind of her... makes his heart sore helplessly, and he can't even hate her!

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