13: Memories

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The night is already deep.

Sitting on the bed, Mei Li looked at the small house in Piandian with the not-so-bright candlelight. When she lived in the palace before, she had been settled here, but now it seems a bit strange.

She got out of bed gently, not wanting to wake up the maid Hongling who was sleeping in the small bed under the window. She was always afraid of scaring others by dreaming and screaming. She was too embarrassed to call Hongling, who was two years older than her, to watch the night. She had to use the old method. ——Do not sleep.

The night sky in spring is the clearest and softest, although it is not as high and profound as autumn, in the warm wind, looking up at the stars, my heart seems to open up.

Mei Li sat down against the pillars, looking at the bright starry sky, but feeling sad in her heart. Also in the secluded palace of the Forbidden City, she was also lonely and small, looking up as if she was not the same sky.

Perhaps life taught her too much, but she learned too slowly. The joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of the past have all sunk into the indifference of today in the long and long lonely years. Then in the future... she shed tears blankly, not knowing how long after What kind of mood would she use to look up at the starry sky alone?

"Who?!" With a low alert, she was startled, and there was a flower in front of her. The night guards all walked closer and raised the lantern to take pictures of her face.

"It's okay, you continue to patrol." The voice at the beginning relaxed, and whispered, stopping the guard who was too close.

Mei Li's eyes adjusted to the brightness, and the guards lined up and exited the small courtyard neatly. The light became weaker, and she could see the people more clearly.

Starlight covered him like a shining veil, and the young and handsome cheeks outlined a pleasing arc. Under the shadow of long eyelashes, the clear and friendly eyes contained a slight smile. It was him, Yonghe.

When the night breeze blew, she felt cold on her face, and then she realized that the tears were still hanging on her face and had not been wiped off. She hurriedly raised her hand and wiped it with her sleeve.

Yonghe...she was embarrassed for a while, thinking of the conversation between her ancestors and Ying Rufujin, Yingrufujin's expression...she couldn't be so calm and calm to him as before. Can he... still treat her as kindly as when we first met? Will you blame her and hate her because of the embarrassment and annoyance she brought him?

She slowly lowered her head, not daring to look at his handsome face again.

"You..." He frowned, his voice low.

Mei Li's heart was bitter and colic because of his tone, and he stopped smiling at her.

"Aren't you cold?" he asked worriedly.

Mei Li was a little surprised. She looked up at him in a daze. He was looking at her disapprovingly. When his eyes met, he seemed a little bit shy, and she also felt a little embarrassed, so she quickly moved her eyes away.

The starlight also illuminates her softly.

She was as delicate and tender as the first time he saw her. Everyone said that Suying was delicate and beautiful. When he entered the ancestor's pergola, he saw the glamorous women with her head down halfway, her long black hair only had a hairpin with an elegant flower, which was thin but delicate. With his small face drooping, he didn't know how he did it, he could see her long and curled eyelashes fluttering so clearly, Suying... how can she be beautiful? !

When she heard the old ancestor and E Niang talking about him, when she quickly glanced at him with bright, shining big eyes, he turned away nervously and deliberately opened his eyes, and his heart... .

When she was thin and weak, her face was pale and let the imperial physician handle the **** wounds, she bit her cherry-red lips tightly, and her stubborn expression refused to cry, but it hurt his heart deeply. Just saw Suying Ewha crying like a baby with rain, his heart also felt a little pity, but she... made his heart hurt.

There are so many rumors about her, so vicious, he ridiculed him when he didn't see her, and told everyone that he laughed and joked, and he really saw her face... He couldn't laugh, and even ridiculed so many acrimonious faces. Her rumors are full of resentment.

It's so unbearable to talk about her... In fact, she is just a poor girl with nothing! Perhaps it is precisely because of her fragility and helplessness that everyone hurt her more unscrupulously. How could he not understand the snobbery and cruelty among the nobles! If it is the emperor's own sister, who would dare to say that to her!

She shook her head with half-downcast eyes, and the soft long hair that had been loosened because of the unfolding of the hair bun also fluttered lightly. His heart softened and he almost wanted to reach out and touch the silky black hair.

"Are you... it's night time again?" She was silent in the night, really embarrassed, she had nothing to say.

"Are you afraid to sleep?"

She smiled, and he said straightforwardly what he was thinking, but...very kind.

Seeing her smile, he laughed too.

She looked at his pretty smiling face, her chest was a little stuffy. He didn't know what the old ancestor thought, she suddenly felt a little disappointed, when he knew, she didn't even have this friend anymore.

"It's not a way for you to do this, I'm on duty, and I can rest tomorrow, what do you do?" He was troubled for her.

"It doesn't matter." She put aside her face and didn't want to talk any more. If he regrets saying so much to her tonight in the future, her non-participation will make her feel better. "I'm in the house." She half-cast her face and smiled faintly.

"Hmm..." He hesitated, "It's a long time before dawn. What can you do to stay sleepy?"

The sincerity in his words hurt her heart, "I...do some needlework and read a book for a while."

He couldn't stop calling her again and again, and sighed.

"Don't worry, when you're not afraid, you won't have nightmares anymore." He also found out that he had already said this to her before.

She turned around and smiled thankfully.

"Wait for me for a while!" He suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly turned around and ran.

Looking at his back that disappeared into the night in an instant, she smiled sincerely, he was really a very good person, enthusiastic like a child.

After a while, he came back out of breath and stuffed a book into her hand, "These are all kinds of small jokes and interesting things circulating in the market. Reading boring books at night is even more sleepy. Look at this and smile. I don't want to sleep anymore."

She silently clenched the book in her hand.

"Look, if you find it interesting, there are many more on the book market, and I will buy them all. However, you have to get better before you finish reading them all!" He ordered, with a certainty.

She nodded, "Thanks..."

He shook his hand quickly, not wanting to hear her say thank you, "I went to watch the night, and you should come in quickly."

She watched him leave quickly, and couldn't help but look up at the night sky again. The stars in spring were really beautiful. She let out a long sigh. It would be great if she could always be under such a beautiful starry sky...

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