12: Give

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The weather was already a bit hot. When Mei Li was outside the Ci Ning Palace, she stood at the bottom of the corridor, the morning sun was scorching hot on her body, her forehead was oozing sweat and she didn't dare to wipe it casually. When Yu'an came to pick her up, Duan Ning's face showed a trace of approval. In the past, Mei Li always rushed in without waiting for the spread. In fact, she met her ancestors and refused to wait honestly outside. She always ran around in the yard, tossing like a dog. No wink, no rules.

Maybe she didn't know that her little path was indeed just a little trick in the eyes of the mothers and aunts in the palace. She was deliberately messing around just to show that her ancestors had favored her in front of everyone. She could be so rampant, hoping that others could look at her. Little did she know that this kind of ignorance is more disgusting, and even more ridiculous.

Now... She probably understands.

"Go in." She smiled lightly at Mei Li.

Xiaozhuang looked at the **** who was carrying luggage behind Mei Li. There was only a small baggage, and he felt a sense of embarrassment. The child Miri...really pitiful. Especially now, being so soft and well-behaved is even more distressing! Perhaps, this medicine was too heavy for her, and even her vitality was hurt, Xiao Zhuang was a little embarrassed.

"Come on and drink some herbal tea. Is it hot?" She asked Miri to sit down on the kang beside her, and couldn't help but wipe the sweat from her forehead with a handkerchief.

Miri smiled and shook her head gently.

"I live here for this time!" Xiaozhuang frowned and said, "No one in your house takes good care of you! Your bones..." She looked at Mei Li's thin body, her eyes turned back to her pale but delicate. Mei's little face, "must be treated well."

After a pause, Xiaozhuang's tone was strange, and his eyes flicked away, as if a little apologetic, "You also let Yu'an and the others teach you the principles and skills of living at home, it's not too small."

Mei Li stood up and thanked her for being blessed. She remembered the words of the men she had heard behind the paddock slope. The ancestor was going to marry her... Everyone couldn't dodge, I don't know, who would be so unlucky to be picked. She smiled bitterly. No matter who she was, although she did not have a family backer or a generous dowry, she would try her best to do her duty as a wife and treat him like a loved one... She can only repay in this way, she can only repay in this way.

There was a sound of greetings to An from outside, and Kangxi walked in with a faint smile among the kneeling crowd. Mei Li also bowed to him respectfully, preparing to quit with the people.

"Sit down, don't have to go." The emperor smiled and talked to her, although his eyes were not looking at her, his tone was very casual.

Mei Li had to sit down and gently beat her leg for her ancestors, so that she wouldn't be so embarrassed to sit stupidly.

The grandfather and grandson said some gossip, Kangxi suddenly smiled, "How does the old ancestor think of Suying this girl?"

Xiaozhuang was taken aback for a moment, and he somewhat understood Kangxi's intention not to let Mei Li retreat. Although he couldn't bear to clarify the words in front of Mei Li, he couldn't help her grandson's wishes. "Fortunately, the temperament is supple, and the person is also handsome." She exaggerated.

"At the moment the military budget is tight, Jiangnan's finances are particularly important. This matter must be Zamurang. He has served in Jiangnan for many years and is the best candidate." Kangxi said lightly. Although Mei Li didn't quite understand and understood the emperor's meaning, the court was about to fight with Junggar, and money was used everywhere. Most of the treasury's money came from the south of the Yangtze River, and she had to have someone who was willing to work and know how to do it. She could not imagine how deep the water was here, but she knew that Suying's Ama was such a person.

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