26: wedding

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A long line of eunuchs carried boxes of wedding supplies into Meili's small courtyard. Hongling was so busy that he was sweating profusely, and the eunuchs were still carrying them continuously. Come in. Many little palace ladies huddled at the entrance of the courtyard to watch the excitement, changing from the mocking expressions of the past, they all admired enviously, deliberately amplifying the voice of whispers, and flattering the people of Meili to hear clearly, "Lord Qing is so kind to Gege. !"

Mei Li leaned on the high pillow and lay halfway on the couch, silently turning the pages of the book in her hand, turning a deaf ear to everything outside the door. The miscellaneous talks and joke books that Yonghe gave her have now accumulated a thick pile, and they have accompanied countless nights when she dared not fall asleep.

"Gege, Chengyi Baylor is here." Hongling ran in, wiping his sweat with her handkerchief, with a look of surprise. Ten thousand people did not expect Chengyi Baylor would visit his family Gege. He even greeted his ancestors only during the Spring Festival. I will come only once during New Year's greetings.

Mei Li was also a little surprised. She sat upright and stood up for a while before she got up to greet her. Cheng Yi had walked in slowly from the outside.

After looking at each other speechlessly, Cheng Yi frowned slightly, and glanced at Hong Ling who was stuck there. Hong Ling's back was cold, and he immediately retreated with a heart-warming blessing. Chengyi Baylor is the same as Qing Wangye, the more expressionless, the more frightening. When exiting the door, Hongling also spontaneously closed the door, always feeling that Chengyi Beileken came to see Grid, there must be very important things.

"Brother Chengyi, sit down." Mei Li personally poured a cup of tea for him. He must have rushed back from the paddock quickly, and a thin layer of dust floated on the plain robe.

Cheng Yi sat down in the chair, but didn't drink tea. He didn't say much. He took out a small brocade bag from his arms and handed it to Mei Li, "Take it."

Mei Li took it politely, and did not want to disappoint him before pretending to open it with curiosity. Jinpa wrapped a piece of yellow sheepskin with dense patterns painted on it. There were characters and gossip, which were messy, like a liar. Make a mysterious spell. She didn't want to explore, but was just curious why Chengyi gave her such a piece of stuff.

"This is the map of'Eight Divisions and Eight Formations'." Cheng Yi explained briefly, "The emperor sent me to look for a long time, and the relationship is a huge treasure. After I found it two years ago... After my sin, I can't wait for the day to go to Dzungar." He smiled coldly.

Mei Li's hand holding the sheepskin shook violently, and she almost couldn't hold it. She understood what he meant. This "eight-part and eight-array" picture was very important to the emperor and even to the Qing Dynasty, so important that Chengyi could use it to save his life.

"The emperor will return to Luan tomorrow. You give him this. Even if you can't be a princess, you can still be a normal wife."

"Brother Chengyi..." Mei Li held back her tears, her heart seemed bitter and sweet. There were still people in this world who were willing to think for her. She felt the blessing in her heart, but she couldn't accept it. He gently held his hand, and put the sheepskin in his hand, "I can't want it, you can stay."

This is his life-saving treasure, she can't accept it.

"Take it." Cheng Yi smiled for a long time, then tucked the sheepskin back into her hand. "Now... I don't need it anymore. He... won't kill me."

She still wanted to refuse. He took a deep look. Cheng Yi shook her head and interrupted her, "I'm going to lead troops to the border to be stationed and wait for orders. I want to come... as a brother, I haven't done anything for you. You take it to the emperor, and he naturally understands what I mean, and restores your title of Shuoge. Although you are not Dafujin, your rank is higher than her. At least you will not be humiliated by her in the future."

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