15: fault

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The entire Cining Palace changed from the usual quiet and orderly, and there were laughter and laughter from young girls. Even the show girls ran past Aunt Yu'an with a smile without being blamed or taught. The maids and eunuchs were busy carrying large and small boxes and cages, and the big girls around the masters who went with the ancestors to Chengde were holding small books, checking the luggage one by one, and there were busy and happy scenes everywhere.

Mei Li walked silently behind Xiaozhuang, helping her ancestors quietly and diligently. Suying hadn't been in the palace for a while, Xiaozhuang was talking to her with concern, plus a large group of princesses Gege, aunts, and Xiu. The female **** has nowhere near her.

The carriages stopped outside the Longzong Gate, and the excitement of the long journey made everyone happy, talking and laughing. Even Jingxian, who is usually yin and yang, is full of spring breeze, and talks and jokes with people around him kindly.

The emperor ordered Chunshou to also go to the Mulan Paddock and travel to Chengde to escape the heat. Although this long journey meant a military parade before the war, and staying at the Jehe Palace to relieve the heat was to increase supervision and deterrence of the situation in Mongolia, but in the eyes of the girls in the house, they were far from the tension on the eve of the war, but only once. Exciting long-distance travel.

Yonghe was responsible for everything on the way to the Queen Mother, and was cumbersome. In recent times, preparing for the departure was often annoying to lose his temper with the National People's Congress. Because of Ziyu's great help, everything was handled very properly, which won the approval of the emperor and ancestors.

Mei Li just carried a small baggage, but she politely refused when someone wanted to help her. When Yong He wore the soft armor of the white flag and walked against the mighty and flowery women's team to greet the ancestors, Mei Li was actually proud. A lot of training made him calmer and more confident than before, and his childishness was faintly erased, but his youthful vigor made him look extraordinarily strong and calm. The brilliance that belonged to him seemed to be polished out at once, dazzling and stunning.

Xiaozhuang liked him to get up, and Yonghe supported her, joking and moving forward. The girls talked to him one after another, asking him where to rest and where to camp along the road. Several girls also deliberately shoved Yindi, chatting and laughing. Yindi blushed with shame, smiled and went to beat her nearest coaxing girl.

Mei Li slowed down, and such Yong Hyuk... made her afraid to approach. He was so brilliant, so many of the girls who followed the ancestors stared at him with admiration and shy eyes. She knows that look very well, because she has seen others with that look. In the eyes of everyone, Yong Hyuk was not the one who came to her to speak without stealing the air, and not the one who pulled her hand slightly nervously in the night, and he who hugged her and trembling slightly... She looked at her and looked at her. With countless gorgeous and slim backs, the sorrow and sorrow of gains and losses sprouted from his heart. For a time, his simple and straightforward love words once cured her.

After the old ancestor boarded her broad and gorgeous carriage, the girls also walked to their cars. Mei Li supported the eunuch's hand. Just about to step up, her arm was accidentally pulled. She was startled. He looked up but saw Yong Hyuk's smiling face.

"Why did you bring such a small baggage?" He stared at the small luggage on her arm, and looked all the way, those Miss Grids all brought large bags of small boxes of snacks to prepare for the pastime on the road.

Before she could speak, she was pushed into the carriage by him, and he leaped slightly and followed up. The carriage was small, and he was slender, and she was very close to him. With so many people coming and going outside, Miri was a little shy.

"You...you go out." She pretended to be calm, trying to keep herself from blushing.

"Tired, hide for a while." He chuckled, leaning on her shoulders a little bit coquettishly, but the weight of his body was not really exerted on her.

Mei Li sighed dumbfoundedly, just now she was pretending to be so mature and steady, and now her original form was revealed again. I really don't know what the girl who looked at him with the water about to see him would feel when she saw this pair of children? But... this is the Yong Hyuk she is familiar with.

"I'll buy you some when I'm out of town in a while." He smiled low, his arms lightly wrapped around her waist.

"Look at you, another sweat." She wiped him with a handkerchief. He was young and afraid of heat, and he was sweaty at every turn.

"Hot, this soft armor is impervious to wind." He complained.

She untied her small bag, which was filled with large dignified handkerchiefs, picked up the top piece and stuffed it into his cuffs. He was always like a child, and she was almost accustomed to nagging. "Bring it back to me if it's dirty." Ying Rufujin told her that if Yonghe sweats profusely and is blown by the wind, he will get a rash all over his body.

Young Hyuk looked at her with a thick pile of veils in her baggage with some shock. What she brought with her... is the handkerchief for wiping his sweat?

He smelled a scent of herbs. "What's the smell?" He took a handkerchief and it was this.

"Ying Ru Fujin said that you are prone to rashes, and bathing with wormwood will be good. I have cooked these veils with wormwood water..." She was forced into his arms by him, her face suddenly became feverish, and her words were cut off. .

"Miri..." he whispered in her ear.

"Where is Yonghe?" the indifferent voice outside the carriage whispered.

The **** hesitated and couldn't answer.

"The ancestor is about to set off, he is gone!" Jing Xuan snorted.

"Here!" Yonghe quickly responded, unwillingly let go of Meili, and jumped out of the carriage.

Miri covered her hot cheeks, breathing disorderly.

"Be careful!" Jing Xuan scolded. "Still here at this time?! The battle has already started!"

"Yes!" Yonghe knew that he was wrong and didn't excuse him.

"Hurry up?" Jing Xuan snorted impatiently, "Where is Ruiying?!"

"Brother Jing Xuan?" Another teenager in soft armor inlaid with yellow flags ran over and asked tremblingly.

"You two! Let's make a way for our ancestors together! I'll go to Shilipo first.

Mei Li silently listened to him scolding his subordinates, her tone... the familiarity made her helpless.

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