28: Hot spring

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The servants who waited for her to take a bath were the maids of the Qing Palace. Mei Li didn't look at their faces with ambiguous smiles. They laughed lightly after seeing the traces of love and bruise on her body. She ignored them and just let her own. Her eyes wandered in the ethereal world, her heart was so heavy that there was no more emotion.

Almost at the mercy of the maids, she changed into an exquisite silk underwear and her long hair was combed smoothly. They didn't have a deep smile and said that she was too tired. They helped her lean on the pillow to dry her hair, and then Take a good rest.

She was very tired, very tired... but closed her eyes, but couldn't fall asleep, her head started to ache, and she lay half there stiffly. The maids all walked out, thinking she was asleep.

"Side Fujin, Side Fujin." A maid came into the room and shouted several times before Mei Li realized that "Side Fujin" meant her, and then slowly opened her eyes to look at the maid.

"Master Yonghe wants to see you outside." The maid carefully observed her expression after she finished speaking, and Mei Li smiled bitterly. It seems that even the maid of Qing Palace knew about her and Yonghe's affairs. With a prying expression, talking about him in this tone.

Young Hyuk... released it?

Jing Xuan is still keeping promises.

meet? She closed her eyes again, fumbled slowly with her hand on her side, and finally touched the booklet she had just placed next to her pillow. See you now...what's the point?

She opened her eyes and looked at the golden moiré on the top of the red tent for a while, sat up, put the stack of books given to her by Yonghe on her lap, and rubbed it carefully, smoothing the corners of her curled pages repeatedly. .

"Give this to him and tell him I'm fine." She said lightly and firmly.

Yonghe, we must completely forget her.

She... she closed her eyes again, leaning softly on the pillow, she would forget him, just like she had forgotten Jing Xuan at the beginning, as long as the time is long enough, everything... will be forgotten.

The sound of footsteps, Jing Xuan's footsteps, her heart trembled, maybe she was not afraid of him, but now she didn't know how to face him, how to get along with him, she suddenly lost the courage to open her eyes.

"Get up!" He walked straight to her bed and pulled her up. Her sore waist suddenly throbbed, and her pale face instantly became a little gray. Jing Xuan ignored him, "Put on your shoes and follow me to see him!"

The maid caught a glimpse of the hostility on the master's face, knelt at Mei Li's feet very carefully and put on her shoes.

Mei Li shivered slightly, he wanted her to see Yong Hyuk? !

Only at this moment did she know that she did not dare to see Yong Hyuk! She was afraid that she would cry, she would not be calm enough, and it would make his heart more painful!

"No... I don't want to go." She was caught by Jing Xuan in pain, but finally said her refusal. She has the experience to make one person forget the other, just not seeing each other, and giving no hope!

"Stop talking nonsense!" Jing Xuan sneered coldly, as if laughing at her pretending to be, "Go!" He didn't even let her wear a coat, so he dragged her out of the new house.

Yong Hyuk was standing in the yard outside the new house. His robes were neatly dressed and his hair was smoothly combed, but he felt extremely desolate for no reason. He was originally looking at the red silk and red lanterns hanging under the eaves of the new house. When Jing Xuan stumbled out of Meili, who was dragging her long hair and wearing only her shirt, his eyes could no longer be removed from her petite body.

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