6: Arrow wound

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Under the blue sky, the wild flowers in the green grass dazzled Mei Li's eyes. She squatted down and gently stroked the delicate petals of a small blue flower with her fingertips. If it turned out, she would definitely take it off without hesitation, now... she couldn't bear it.

The few white shadows that came quickly frightened her, and when she took a closer look, it turned out that the mother rabbit and the little rabbits were frightened by the drum horn and fled in embarrassment. They hid in the bushes, and the white fur color was still so conspicuous. , Maybe they are tired from running, maybe they feel safe, so they just shrink there and don't run away.

The sound of horseshoes was very anxious, and Mei Li was shocked. She even heard the sound of drawing arrows from the quiver. The rabbits also felt the danger and fled around in a rush. A little rabbit was caught by a branch. The mother rabbit ran a few steps, but stopped, and finally returned to guard the little rabbit, as if she wanted to help her escape.

Mei Li's nose was sour, and tears fell straight down. When she was miserable... How much I wish there was such a person in front of her, how much I wish my parents could still be there!

She felt that she might be crazy, maybe it was the mother rabbit's behavior that triggered the strongest desire in her heart, she even rushed over to help the little rabbit to remove the vines despite the danger.

"Want to die?!" Li Drink and Xiaoxiao's Feather Arrow arrived together.

Mei Li only felt a sharp pain in her arm, but the two white shadows, one large and one small, had quickly sank into the bushes, and she sighed in relief. Fortunately, the arrow was shot off the track, but the arrow ling swept across her arm, and the pain passed.

Jing Xuan had already stepped down from the horse with an angry expression, holding her bow tightly, she still didn't change at all! The idea tries to make him worry, the idea tries to get his attention, this kind of bitter trick is used again and again!

"It's useless!" He sneered at Miri, who was sitting on her knees with her head down. "Even if I deliberately wound you into a disability, it's useless. I won't have any guilt, it's you who are looking for death!" Does she know that if he hadn't strayed at the last minute, her arm would have been scrapped!

She hung her head, and the sharp pain on her arm that made her black eyes finally diminished slightly. She understood every word he said, and he was right, she knew it.

She nodded, politely gestured to understand his warning, this time she was indeed too reckless. She used too many bitter tricks before, and it was useless to explain, just let him think. He used to ask her harshly if she knew she knew, she now does.

He watched her reaction for a while, snorted coldly, turned and left.

"Brother Jing Xuan, Brother Jing Xuan!" A young man ran over anxiously with a flying horse.

Jing Xuan turned on his horse with a cold face, "Are you dead? So yelling!"

"Go and have a look, Suying fell off her horse and is crying for you!"

Jing Xuan's legs clamped the horse's belly, and turned the horse's head irritably, "No one can worry about it!" He tapped the horse's back heavily with a bow, and ran away with the young man quickly.

Mei Li looked at the flowers that were trampled by them all the way, feeling a little distressed.

There was no one around, and she gently pulled up her sleeve, a blood stasis swelled up in the area swept by the arrow feathers, the skin was not broken, and a dark red blood bubble was swollen. She stood up swaying, it didn't matter, as long as she broke the blood blisters and released the blood.

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