34: warm

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Holding her knees, Mi Li shrank in the corner of the bed, beside the bed was the snack Suying brought back from her parents' house. Suying's mother was very talkative, and when she was sent to her, she smiled and said: This was specially prepared by Fujin's mother for her. Thank her for taking care of her daughter.

Naturally, she said polite words...but she hoped that she also had a mother who could speak polite words for her, and she wished that she could return to her family. When she returned... she could only go to see the ancestors.

Marry here, leave Prince Qian's Mansion, she... will have no home.

"Master, there is a little girl named Uncle Hai who wants to see you." Yuemei came in and told her, seeing how Uncle Hai was wearing, Yuemei thought she was a poor relative who had come to take refuge in Fujin.

"Uncle Hai?" Mei Li was taken aback, and the soreness in her heart broke out, tears streaming down. Her relatives... it seems that there is only such an elderly housekeeper! "Let him in quickly." Afraid that Uncle Hai would be sad, she wiped away her tears, couldn't laugh, she could only look indifferent.

Uncle Hai took Jiang Liu and looked at Meili's courtyard as he walked, and gradually revealed a satisfied smile. Prince Jingxuan was indeed very nice to the grid, and the residence was very gorgeous and exquisite.

Mei Li didn't expect Hai Shu to come from the capital to bid her farewell.

"The prince sent someone to take over the property of the Prince Qian's mansion, and the old slave can finally relax and return to his hometown to enjoy his old age." Uncle Hai sighed and smiled yearningly.

Jing Xuan took over the property of Prince Qian's Mansion? Mei Li frowned, is her family's meager wealth also worth his attention? She sneered, making good use of everything that belongs to him is also his uniqueness.

"I have also dismissed the servants in the house. The prince specially sent someone to take care of the cleaning. Jiang Liu has been with you for a long time, and her family has no relatives. The old slave sent her here on the way, too. Count your dowry maid."

Her dowry maid... smiled softly, and Mei Li nodded, "Uncle Hai, go down and rest first, and talk about it another day."

"No, Grid. My hometown is only thirty miles away from here. I haven't been back for many years, so I remember it. Jiang Liu stayed, and the old slave will come to see you when he is settled. Anyway, it will be near." Uncle Hai said with a smile. To go resolutely.

Mei Li lowered her eyes, and Uncle Hai was going to tell her to return home. Fortunately, Jing Xuan usually gave her a lot of money, so she didn't have enough money. "Yuemo, take two hundred taels of silver bills to Uncle Hai." She ordered.

"No, no, no!" Uncle Hai waved his hand again and again, "The prince has already rewarded me for telling the old money, so I can't ask you for it anymore."

Did he give it?

Mei Li smiled faintly, "Uncle Hai, take it. Other than that...I have nothing to give you."

Just as Jing Xuan also entered the room, Uncle Hai was about to kneel, he waved his hand away, and Yue Mo greeted them with wintry winnowing.

He sat on the bed in a good mood, took out a stack of silver notes from his arms and stuffed it in her hand, "I will send someone to manage the properties of your palace. This is the first half of the year, your private money." He smiled. . "After I leave, Lao Feng will give you land rent every three months. You can collect it yourself. If it is not enough, tell the old housekeeper that I have already asked him."

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