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There was a few light rains in the early morning, and the weather after breakfast was still gloomy and a little dull.

The guards who accompanied him got on their horses one after another, and Yonghe took care of his father and got on his mounts. There were a lot of people who saw him off, so Fu Jin only gave a few simple instructions.

Miri walked to the horse a little shyly to see off her future father-in-law. This was the first time she had seen Yonghe's Amatuha.

Tuha immediately looked at her for a while, then sighed slightly, then let out a "um". Since it was meant by the ancestors, this girl didn't seem to be bad, and he had no intention of opposing it. "You have to pay more attention to maintenance," he said sternly and with concern, "too thin and weak."

Mei Li was a little surprised that he would speak to her extra, and gratefully responded again.

Yonghe walked quickly from her father's horse to her side and helped her to stand up straight, feeling distressed that she had been sore and sore.

Because they were about to pull out of the camp and board the car, everyone gathered at the entrance of the camp. In front of so many people, Yong He loved so much that Mei Li blushed, frowning and nudged Yong He, letting him leave her side. The sweet rebuke of the young couple caused a few secret laughs. Xiaozhuang even looked at Yu'an with a smile on his face and teased: "Tuha, your son and you came out of the same mold back then."

In a word, Tuha and Ying Ru both looked at each other awkwardly and affectionately, and laughed.

Tuha leaned right away and bid farewell to his ancestors.

"Tuha, you are experienced and well-informed. You must take care of the emperor more for me this time. He is young and vigorous, and he lacks experience in the march after all." Xiaozhuang earnestly exhorted.

"The slave dare not. The emperor was young and Yingrui, and the old slave should have done his best."

Being so dependent on and entrusted by the ancestors, Tuha's status in the hearts of everyone is different, and should be secretly proud like Fujin. Seeing that the ancestor finished speaking, he glanced at Yonghe and Meili for a long time, Yingru sighed lightly, the empress dowager's public praise was a blessing brought by Meili. Seeing the insatiable attachment in the eyes of his son, the mother's heart is sour and sweet, helpless.

Yonghe glanced at Meili reluctantly, and whispered, "I'll be back at night." Then he mounted his horse and followed his father to chase the team of the emperor and the Eight Banners warriors ahead.

Mei Li blushed and looked at his heroic posture as he rode away. She actually started to miss him.

"All are ready to board the car!" Jing Xuan suddenly commanded loudly behind her, shocking her.

Without waiting for her to look for her own vehicle, he had already dragged her along the way by holding her arm hard, stuffing it into the small car parked behind the old ancestor's car like a baggage.

Fearing to attract everyone's attention, Mei Li frowned and didn't struggle hard.

After throwing her into the car, he didn't let go of his hand. The cold eyes still stared at her, and Mili turned her face away and didn't look at him. She still knows him a little bit, since she was a child, he was annoyed when she was pestering him, she died in front of him, and he could watch indifferently with cold eyes. If she walks away silently and is no longer noticed, when he sees her, he will be proud to think that this is a woman he has discarded, and will not look at her directly. It happened that she now has Yong Hyuk, and she... can also be regarded as a treasure. She smiled bitterly, and she never thought that there would be such a lucky thing. He was not reconciled, and played the prince's temper everywhere to make provocations.

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