18: tryst

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The team moved forward slowly. Yong Hyuk, who was walking by his side, suddenly gave a low smile. Mei Li looked at him puzzledly. Yong Hyuk used his chin to look forward. Mei Li followed his eyes and looked at the side of the road not far away. The dejected horse was grazing with its head down, and a more listless owner stood beside it. Qiuquan's little man also wore a small soft armor with a positive yellow flag, like a shrinking Eight Banners warrior doll, cute and funny, looking sadly at the passing cars and horses in a daze.

"Sister Meili..." He also saw Meili and was about to run over, but he caught a glimpse of Jing Xuan and Suying who were with him behind him. With a sullen face, standing still with her mouth narrowed, he was very aggrieved and afraid of Jing Xuan. Look like.

Jing Xuan snorted coldly, and had already caught a glimpse of his unlucky look, "What's wrong?" He glared at Qiu Quan teasingly, and stretched his tone unceremoniously.

"Follow... can't keep up with the brothers." Qiu Quan muttered in frustration, not daring to look up at Jing Xuan.

"I told you to stay at home and play with you earlier, and then come and make trouble!" Jing Xuan scolded, ignoring that Qiuquan was just a nine-year-old baby.

Qiuquan was about to cry, Jing Xuan glared, "Come on! I don't like your virtue! Do you want to help the emperor? Shame! Where are you?"

Qiuquan was choked in a low voice by his scolding. He didn't dare to cry, but his shoulder twitched, "Looking...I can't find it!"

Jing Xuan couldn't stand him and snorted, "Success is less than success and more than failure! You follow Suying in the car! Don't let me see you again all the way!"

Qiuquan pouted and glanced at Suying who was smiling behind Jingxuan, and said quietly but firmly: "I want to be with Sister Meili!" After finishing speaking, he didn't care about her horse, and bowed her body. , Got into Miri's carriage like a monkey.

Mei Li smiled, but Jing Xuan glared at it.

"Yonghe, you take his horse to the people in front of you, and arrange a separate car for him." He told him coldly, and Yonghe nodded with a smile, got on his horse, and took Qiuquan's horse away.

"Let me find that you are mischievous again, and **** you back!" Jing Xuan reprimanded through the carriage. Suying stepped up and pulled his sleeves and laughed. Why is he angry with a child? Also become a child.

Mei Li helped Qiuquan take off his soft nails, and the child was relieved of the burden, crying in comfort. Mei Li touched his head with pity, a little reproach, "Why come and suffer? I want to go to Chengde and ask you Ama to send you alone."

Qiuquan wiped away tears with the back of his hand, and curled his mouth unconvincedly, "Brother Jing Xuan followed the first emperor to hunt and fight at the age of seven. I am nine years old! I also want to be as prestigious as Brother Jing Xuan!"

Miri stroked his neat braid, like him... okay?

The child was not used to riding a horse and was tired early. Mei Li asked him to lie down and fell asleep in a short while. Mei Li picked up the fan and fanned him gently, remembering the surprise and intimacy when he and Qiuyuan saw her in the paddock. It seems that only these brothers and sisters are so purely happy to meet each other.

"Where are the people from Qiuquan?!" The indifferent voice hadn't fallen yet, and the car curtain had been ripped apart arbitrarily.

Mei Li subconsciously made a "hush" gesture to people, not wanting Qiu Quan to be awakened.

In an instant, she saw herself in Jing Xuan's eyes.

She quickly looked away, and she was secretly annoyed. Isn't she completely relieved? Can't she also look at him calmly? How could her heartbeat be disturbed because of this sudden look at each other! She raised her eyebrows mockingly, maybe he was too good-looking.

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