31: child

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Boxes of complete sets of jewellery were spread out on the dressing table with the lid open. Moonbrow combed her hair very well, but it was a little painful to pull it too tightly. Meili held a jasper bracelet silently and endured.

Yue Mo and Yue Qiang took out a set of light pink summer gowns, "Fujin Fujin, you should wear this one today, you are happy and not offended."

Happy...not offensive...

Yes, today is Zhengfujin entering the door. The red belongs to her... The sky hasn't been bright yet, and the light morning light shines on the clothes in Yuemo's hands, and the bright colors are also dim. Miri smiled and nodded, "This is it." Who cares what she is wearing? Just dress cheerfully, mix in the crowd, and say a few words of blessing at the right time.

Yuemo walked to the bronze mirror to help Yuemei, holding a box of jewellery to Meili's eyes, "Master, you must dress up grandly today, so as to save people from saying that you deliberately do not give Xinfujin face." Yuemo kindly said. Nagging, "You...make sure to laugh too."

Mei Li smiled and nodded, yes, she wants to laugh, because today is the grand occasion of the entire palace, everyone... must laugh.

Yuemo and Yuemei were more stable, so they decided to accompany her to the ceremony. Xinfujin was very generous. For this happy event, all the maids in the whole government made high-quality red clothes. Yuemo and Yuemei also had them. , I suddenly looked beaming after putting it on.

The bride will not be married from her natal family until night, but the people attending the wedding rush into the house early. Mei Li is wearing high flag shoes, and the hair accessories on her head are so painful that she has to You can walk steadily by holding on to Yuemo Yuemei. After she got married, she dressed up like this on the day she returned home three days later. The ancestors felt sorry for her and ordered her to change into light clothes. Today... it will take a whole day.

For her side Fujin... just show up with a smile. The rooms in the back hall have all the doors and windows removed, and the red and red rooms are turned into open partitions. She is arranged in one of them, sitting on the couch and facing the people passing by. It's good for guests to smile.

No one came to talk to her, and the relatives looked at her and politely avoided it. Yeah, what did the family say to her? Congratulations? As if deliberately ridiculing her. comfort? She shouldn't be sad, no one is allowed to be sad today.

Because the emperor and empress dowager will come at night, the bridegroom enters the palace, and the guests are not disappointed when they don't see the host's family. They eat, drink, laugh and enjoy themselves. A large part of Suying's dowry has already begun to perform their duties, greet guests, handle chores, and take a stand and work hard. They have become part of the house.

With the support of the emperor, Suying and Jingxuan's wedding was extremely extravagant. The dowry was given out in the morning, and it was given for a whole day. The female relatives chirped and laughed, admiring them endlessly.

Mei Li leaned on the soft pillow tiredly, sitting all day, and she was falling apart. Tired more than her own wedding, she only has 20 boxes of dowry given to her by her ancestors, and fewer people come to watch the wedding wine... She has to hold her head with her hands and barely support it. The real wedding is about to begin, but it's okay. , She just insisted on sending the bride and groom into the bridal chamber while the emcee sang. I heard from the old housekeeper that her wedding wine was delivered to her room alone, which is said to be a rule.

Sharing the wedding banquet between his husband and another woman alone and indifferently was Zheng Fujin's first meeting gift to Fang Fujin.

The crowd was noisy, and the laughter was exceptionally high. She heard that the voice was silent but enough to subdue the voices of others... The bridegroom was back.

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