30: Double happiness

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Mei Li closed her eyes and just finished the bath. She was refreshed. Her exhaustion broke out. She tried to relax her stiff limbs. She moved, hoping to find a comfortable posture.

It was very noisy. Although her courtyard was the quietest corner of the other courtyard of the palace, the noisy voices still rushed up and down, and her temples were a little sore.

The maids on duty outside the door Yue Qiang and Yue Mo were sitting under the porch and basking in the sun while speaking in low voices, and she could hardly hear each word clearly.

"Xin Fujin's style is big enough..." Don't have any intentional silence, it should be pointing to the door, "The pasted happy characters, the red silks that have been hung are all replaced, and they are all new."

"People are Dafujin, so naturally they won't use what we have left."

The voice was lowered.

"Sister, our life will be sad in the future... I heard that Xinfujin brought more than 20 houses, 40 or 50 people, just behind the main house, and the prince had to divide a plot of land behind the main house to build a separate house. Don't mention the dowry. I heard that the money for our prince's wedding is only one hundred thousand taels of white money. This... how can we compare?"

"It's not necessarily." Yue Qiang chuckled a few times, "The prince is very concerned about this... one night and one night... I will serve in the morning, just the white silk on the ground..."

"Dead girl!"

Both of them laughed and laughed for a while, and the older Yue Mo sighed, "That's just a few days of freshness. The maiden who made small...big ones for others is still in that way, alas."

"Not necessarily, give birth to a son as soon as possible, also the eldest." Yue Qiang disagreed.

"What's the use of that?" Yue Mo smiled at her, "If you rush forward, you are also a bastard."

Mei Li turned over and faced the bed. It was early summer. She wrapped the quilt tightly, and she even felt chills.

She slept very unsteadily, so as soon as Jing Xuan opened the door, she immediately woke up. It should have just passed, why did he come back so early? She didn't move because she was preparing for the big wedding and the emperor didn't send him another messenger, so she was so leisurely.

"Did she eat lunch?" She heard him ask Yue Qiang Yuemo who followed in softly.

"Fan Fujin has ordered that she doesn't need lunch, and will eat it at night." Yue Qiang said whisperingly, with a guilty conscience.

"Bastard! Did she say that she wouldn't eat if she didn't eat it?" Jing Xuan was immediately angry, and his voice rose a little higher, making the two maids knelt down in fright.

"The prince, the servants also saw that Fang Fujin was too tired and couldn't bear to wake her up. The master only slept for two hours after she finished washing." Yue Mo was more sophisticated and courageously defended.

"Stupid things!" His anger did not fade.

Mei Li didn't want to stay out of the matter anymore, turned around, half-legged on the pillow and responded softly, "I don't want to eat."

He glanced at her with cold eyes. She was lying on her stomach lazily and tenderly, with a few locks of her long black hair hanging on her chest, a soft and charming style he had never seen before, and the great anger... instantly disappeared. .

He walked over to sit on the side of the couch and hugged her. The two maids blushed and their heads dropped lower.

"Isn't hungry?" He snorted, eating one meal a day, how could such a thin body sustain? !

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