11: Starry sky

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Mei Li woke up Jiang Liu who was sleeping next to her. She was still young and she was sleeping. Mei Li was afraid that she was screaming in her dream again, and couldn't bear to let Jiang Liu, who had been with her on the day, spend the night, so she restrained her drowsiness and persisted until dawn.

Knowing that Chengyi and Jingxuan were leaving for Fengtai this morning, she urged Jiang Liu to also get up early, so as not to delay their journey.

After freshening up and tidying up, she thought that Cheng Yi and Jing Xuan hadn't gotten up yet, and she opened the door to find that they had already opened a set of boxing techniques. The front and back of the thin short shirt were all wet with sweat. Both of them panted slightly, and stopped their hands when they saw her coming out.

Jing Xuan's servants gave them two basins of water to wait for them to clean and change clothes. Mei Li was a little embarrassed, and she looked too pretentious when she returned to the room, so she had to lower her head and pretend to take a walk outside the courtyard. Fortunately, a soldier brought breakfast soon, and she followed back to help arrange it.

Cheng Yi had changed his robe and stood silently under the tree. Mei Li looked at him, although she was still reluctant to say anything, her frustrated expression when she first saw him dissipated a lot, and there was some brilliance in her lonely eyes. She was a little sad, did he take the battle with Dzungar as a sustenance for his life? In fact, in the past two years, Brother Chengyi has had a harder life than her. She... still knows that he will have a day out, but he doesn't know when he will be free.

"Let's eat." She whispered to him softly, because she was unprepared, sorrow penetrated into the voice, and there was a slight choking. I used to think that Brother Chengyi's heart was harder than...Jing Xuan, she smiled bitterly, she has never looked at people, and will never see other people's hearts.

With yesterday's experience, Jing Xuan's attendants didn't dare to mess around. The soldiers sent everything. Because the prince came, the cook specially mixed a few plates of cold dishes. Jing Xuan ate the steamed buns silently without touching them. . Mei Li ate slowly, she knew very well how he felt that he couldn't eat at the moment, and she had also experienced it. Without thinking about that much, she moved the pickled vegetables in front of her to his hand. Compared with the horrible mixed vegetables, the pickled vegetables are much more refreshing. Jing Xuan looked at her coldly, and Mei Li lowered her eyes to avoid his eyes. Wouldn't he think she was deliberately trying to please him? Don't have any plans, right? The knot between her and him is too heavy, it is best to ignore each other, she is reckless again.

Fortunately, Jing Xuan didn't say anything, and ate half a plate of pickles and two steamed buns.

After the meal was scribbled, Cheng Yi ordered the soldiers to lead the horse, and Mei Li also hurriedly got up and planned to find her own coachman.

"Ride a horse, hurry up." Cheng Yi patted the saddle.

Miri hesitated for a moment, thinking about the bumps and speed when she came, and nodded.

Mei Li sat in Chengyi's arms, the horse was not too fast, the spring breeze was gentle, the sun was soft and warm, she didn't sleep well all night, sleepiness slowly invaded, she unconsciously clasped Chengyi's waist. Find a comfortable and safe posture to fall asleep.

Jing Xuan gradually couldn't hear the sound of horse hooves behind him, and looked back with some doubts. Cheng Yi had already fallen some distance away, and he pulled his horse to a stop impatiently. Cheng Yi slowly caught up before he could see Mei Li who was asleep.

"Trouble!" He frowned and cursed.

Cheng Yi ignored it and still moved forward slowly. Because one of Jing Xuan's entourage was carrying Jiang Liu, it was not easy to surpass Cheng Yi, so they could only slowly follow behind.

"She..." Cheng Yi looked down at Mei Li, whose arm scar was exposed because of his arms around him, and the sleeves were slightly pulled back. He gently pulled up her sleeves and looked closely at the ugly scar and the unhealed scar. "It must have suffered a lot."

Jing Xuan tightened her lips and did not answer.

"Even though..." Cheng Yi looked at Mei Li's pale little face, and because of fatigue, a faint blue black appeared under his eyes, which made him even more haggard and weak. "You should treat her better, after all, she once liked you."

Jing Xuan snorted coldly, glanced at the scar on her wrist, frowned and looked away irritably. Although he was dragged down and indifferent, he never urged him to speed up his journey.

After all, it was right away, the intense sleepiness passed, and I still couldn't sleep well.

Mei Li woke up, apologetically loosened her arms around Chengyi's waist, and sat up straight. She fell asleep, and Chengyi's arm on the reins had to bear the weight of her body. It must be painful along the way, right?

"I'm sorry." She rubbed Chengyi's arm guiltily, "must be sore." She complained to herself.

Cheng Yi's lips pulled out a soft arc and shook his head.

"The front is the fork in the road between Beijing and Fengtai!" Jing Xuan, who was on the side, suddenly said coldly, looking a little abrupt.

Mei Li was stunned, she understood what he meant, raised her head and smiled at Cheng Yi, "I will go back to Beijing by myself, your business matters."

Cheng Yi hesitated. It was the afternoon. Although he was already on the official road back to Beijing, there were a lot of pedestrians. After all, it was the home of two young girls. Their carriage was thrown off for a long time, which made people feel uneasy.

"There is an inn in front, let her hire a car to go back." Jing Xuan looked at the sky, "Let's also hurry up, otherwise when will we get to Fengtai?!"

Mei Li jumped off his horse, Jiang Liu was also hugged by his entourage, and he leaned close to Mei Li with a look of displeasure, and cursed that this beautiful but unhuman Qing prince was really not a thing.

"This is for you!" Jing Xuan shook a small bag over with a cold face. Mei Li was startled, and instinctively caught it. The contents of the small bag hurt her fingers. She held it heavily in her hand. It should be silver. .

He rode high on the horse, throwing silver to her... the feeling of humiliation spread in his heart.

"I have money." She said softly, holding Gao Xiaobao back to him. He thought she didn't even have the money to hire a car, and the bitterness gradually covered the humiliation, making her feel sad. In his eyes, she was indeed humble and embarrassed.

"Just hold it for you." He was very upset, and a bit of boredom was mixed in his original indifferent tone.

Mei Li bit her lip, why should she be true to him. After swallowing her saliva, she forced herself to smile, retracted her hand, and lowered herself to the aloof him, "Thank you, Lord."

"You!" Jing Xuan was so angry that he pointed her whip at her.

Jiang Liu was really afraid that Prince Qing would be hit with a whip, and his expression was even scarier than before. "Gege, go!" She grabbed Mei Li and dragged her towards the post.

When they disappeared at the corner of the official road, Jing Xuan sternly said to the two servants who were groaning secretly with his face: "Follow them, don't let them find out! Make sure they are not dead or hurt!" He seemed to be cursing. .

After finishing talking, he felt very angry, and a whip was drawn on the horse, and the horse hissed and ran wildly.

Cheng Yi followed with a blank face, Jing Xuan ran for a while, and the anger finally subsided. After she came out of the cold palace, she didn't know if there were only two things, he asked for it!

Seeing him slow down, Cheng Yi also pulled the reins.

"Why don't you say it well?" Cheng Yi said lightly, his tone not fluctuating.

"Say it?! What if she entangles it again!" Jing Xuan grunted bitterly.

"Not anymore."

Jing Xuan was taken aback and didn't speak any more.

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