40: Respect and inferiority

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The medicine is bitter in the throat, but it penetrates deeply into my heart.

Yuemo took the empty bowl back and quickly handed over the candy tablets. Mei Li shook her head, leaned softly on the pillow, silently watching Yunke, who was staring at her with black eyes and curiously, too cute. She couldn't help but pick him up, and Yunke babbled baby-specific voices, as if he wanted to talk to her.

Mei Li gently shook him, because she was taking the medicine, she could not feed Yunke herself. Seeing his little mouth rubbing against her clothes, she felt a little guilty... She felt guilty about her child. too much. After more than ten days, when her mood calmed down, she regretted the thought that Yunke had even left it.

Thinking of greetings outside, the arm holding the child trembled, these days... he hasn't come.

He has changed into a luxurious robe and no longer wears mourning clothes, because his complexion has darkened, and his arrogant aura is stronger and more pronounced than before. Aunt Yu'an came to tell her the joy, and the emperor has already dubbed him the prince. In the past few days, the people of Hexi must have smashed the gate of the mansion, right?

He walked straight to the bed, she was a little worried that the cold on his body would be so cold as Yunke, she pulled the quilt and tightened her arms.

Jing Xuan didn't speak immediately, but just stood by the bed and looked at her. He knew that she had survived. There was brilliance in her eyes, and she was no longer dead and still, although she could no longer be as agile and lively as she was when she was young, but this gentleness and calmness...Isn't it the crux that made him inexplicably fascinated by her?

She is stronger than he thought.

There was a sudden pain in his heart, and even his abandonment at the beginning and the misery in the Anning Palace, she silently endured. The pain aggravated uncontrollably, and he remembered the cold smile she had just given him when she was released. Now... even that cold smile is gone.

"Is it better?" His throat was dry, and everything he said was dumb and rough. He knew that he was looking for words, and he had become accustomed to even being annoyed with himself. Why does he need to ask? Her complexion has obviously improved a lot. The ancestors have taken care of her very carefully. After the confinement, she is not as thin as before. The pointed melon seeds have some fleshy face to look better, and the skin is shiny and shiny. It seems to be more delicate, and the whiter skin makes the hair and eyelashes blacker.

She heard him speak, her long eyelashes fluttered slightly, and her eyes, like starlight reflected on the water, quickly glanced at him, and then fell back to the baby in her arms. His heart was thrown into turbulent waves by this unconscious short-term gaze. He found out with some annoyance that it was because of her light and fluttering glance that his heart was moved!

She couldn't help him, and sat down on the edge of the bed close to her, unable to look away from her anymore.

"Okay... much better." She patted Yunke lightly without looking at him.

His heart suddenly jumped for joy because of her soft response, and he suddenly understood why those men who would rather be responsible for the world, abandon their fame and fortune, or even have a wealth of life, are so willing. He has always been disgusted with such behavior, and men do not live for a woman. But at this moment, just because of her indifferent words, his joy is more than that of Jiaguan Jinjue!

He didn't care that people were still watching, and he stretched out his arms to put her in his arms.

After experiencing the despair of almost losing her, the joy and fortune at this moment made him feel that he can ignore the past, or even the reason, no matter what the child she is in her arms... As long as she is still alive in the world within his reach. Exist, he can do anything.

Yunke was squeezed by his sudden attack, and screamed unhappily.

"Hold away, hug down!" He also felt that Yunke was getting in the way, and waved him away impatiently.

Yue Mo blushed and took away the crying Yunke, Mei Li instinctively reluctantly held her tight... She suddenly shuddered, as if thinking of something, finally let go of her hand.

Jing Xuan's heart was stabbed by her suddenly pale face, but he refused to think. When he hugged her tightly again, she didn't struggle. The knife... pierced deeper.

He doesn't analyze his various moods that he is eager to want her at the moment, eagerly, yes! After half a year, how could he not yearn for her? Probing, there is. The ancestor visited her, and then she began to cooperate with the imperial physician's treatment, and seemed to wake up. He wanted to know how she was going to treat him? More... pain, helplessness!

Because of his overwhelming desire, she hasn't fully prepared yet. He can no longer control the rhythm and indulge, and feel a little painful, but she has no longer restrained her feelings, and she can finally treat her body honestly.

She didn't want to think too much, maybe, she finally found an excuse that even she was convinced...

His eyes were getting deeper and deeper in the frenzy of desire. For the first time, he felt her cooperation and response! Perhaps he was too manic, she used to be patient, she screamed softly and softly, to make his bewitching and melted voice no longer suppressed, the sound scratched his muscles and bones, making his blood boil to him. The apex that has never been tasted. More than that... Her body and everything about her are cooperating with him, all pleasing him, and he is completely crazy like this.

Finally he lay wet on her body, and his body was still trembling and comfortable with the ultimate pleasure.

She also gasped violently, confused, her eyes still tightly closed.

He slowly clenched his fist, knowing that it was futile and still hoping that he could dispel the helplessness by accumulating his strength.

In fact, he knows it all!

Everything she did, her changes... it was not a rebirth after despair, it was not that she had overcome the magic barrier in her heart.

She is just for the child!

Yong Hyuk is dead, and he can't be the one who occupies her heart...

He suddenly smiled silently and coldly, so self-deprecating and contemptuous, whatever, as long as the man in her heart is no longer Yong Hyuk!

No matter what she is for...

He was also thankful and satisfied.

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