35: Hundred days

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The lotus blossoms in Chengde Palace are very good. Mei Li sits on the painting boat with the Empress Dowager and admires it carefully. The cool breeze blowing from the lake is full of the fragrance of lotus leaves. A little **** rushed to the shore and whispered something to the chief eunuch. The ship was not far from the shore, Xiaozhuang saw it, and asked Yu'an behind him: "What's the matter?"

Upon hearing the question, Yu'an sent the **** who had been on the boat to listen to instructions back to the shore, and when he returned, he submitted a letter.

"The letter from Prince Qing to Gege." Yu'an said with a low laugh. Jing Xuan also counted that she had grown up, and now she also knows that she is writing to her daughter-in-law to report that she is safe, thinking about his coldness. She couldn't help laughing when she was cold and worried about everything.

Miri took the letter in her hand, but didn't open it immediately. He has been there for three months. This is the fourth letter. The content is very simple, "Okay, don't read it."

Xiaozhuang drank a sip of tea, frowned, looked at Meili's expression in her eyes, smiled, she spoke slowly, seeming to talk casually, "Meili, in fact, Jingxuan takes you very seriously. I deliberately entrusted you to me."

"Yeah." Mei Li lowered her head and replied.

"He is far away in Mongolia, can you give him a letter from home?" This was a knowing question, but he never did.

Sure enough, when she asked, Mei Li stopped speaking.

"Child," Xiao Zhuang put down the tea cup, there were few masters in the painting boat, and they were all self-sufficient servants, she simply said straightforwardly, "Maybe you blame him for ruthlessly rejecting you at the beginning, and blame him for the hard work afterwards. Blame him for making you only succumb to the position of Fujin... Blame him again, he is also your husband, and you have to be your husband and wife for a lifetime. In this life, a woman cannot be true to one person, that is her husband. ."

Mei Li's eyelashes trembled. Now everyone thought she was blaming him, blaming him... Maybe she was blaming him. He forced Yong Hyuk to go to the battlefield and live in the palace to see Ying as Fu Jin. Many times, she felt guilty and ashamed.

She also wanted to...protect herself.

"Mei Li, maybe you are afraid that Jing Xuan will no longer favor you in the future." Xiaozhuang looked at her, but what she said surprised her secretly, as if the ancestors had seen her heart through. "That's all in the future. A person who can't grasp the present can't talk about anything. Son, you don't have to think so much, as long as you do your duty as a wife, the rest... can only listen to God." Xiao Zhuang sighed, this might not be her feelings about fate.

Miri clenched the letter in her hand...

The boat was entangled by the lotus leaves close to each other, and it shook. Mei Li felt sick for a while, even ignoring that the ancestor was by her side, she threw herself at the side of the boat and vomited.

The court lady **** waited on her to rinse her mouth and sat down. The ancestor and Aunt Yu'an both had a happy expression. They were unwilling to admire the lotus, and they immediately ordered to shore and send the imperial physician quickly.

Leaning on the couch listening to the emperor's repeated joy, Mei Li was not surprised, since he left...Her monthly letter has not come again, the child is already three months old, she even dare not think about it, she can't face it. She likes children and wants to have children, but this child... came too early.

The ancestor personally came to her to congratulate her, and kept saying that when the husband and wife had children, they would naturally get together. Become a parent, the child will lose his temper, and will no longer be awkward.

Holding her hand, the ancestor actually cried, as if she was finally in her early days.

She was still worried.

Sitting at the desk in front of the window, looking at the moon in the sky unobstructed by a cloud of clouds, the brush on her hand seemed to weigh a lot. As arrogant as him... She still wrote to her one after another when she didn't reply, she understood the weight of those words. When she couldn't fall asleep at night, the few letter papers with only a few numbers were pressed under the pillow by her, which hurt her heart.

Just as he couldn't write her home letter to her exhaustedly, so she could only give him only a few words: everything is well. She didn't even have the courage to write "Don't read", did he... miss her?

Regarding the child, she squeezed the penholder, loosened it, and then held it tightly. She was afraid that after telling him, he would cruel her to knock it off.

She wants this child!

How could she kill her relatives!

But... she put down the pen, folded the family letter with only four characters, put it in the envelope, and didn't say anything. Perhaps there is no way to hide it from him, he knows everything about what happened next to her, and since he didn't say anything, she didn't want to personally prove his contempt and cruelty to her.

The ancestors paid special attention to this child, and sent four experienced mothers to take care of her. Tonics and delicacies are given continuously every day.

When the child was six months old, Mei Li's belly was already very round and big, and Aunt Yu'an joked with her ancestors that she looked like twins.

The weather was getting colder, and the emperor didn't plan to return to Luang because of the war. The ancestors were also very satisfied with this arrangement. Mei Li could give birth to her child in Chengde.

Fearing that she was cold, the side hall where she lived burned the floor early. She was too hot and asked Jiang Liu to open a window. The older maids of Yuemei whispered something in the yard, and they kept silent when they saw the window opened, and looked strangely into the room to wait.

Mei Li didn't follow up the question. In fact, she had long discovered that sometimes she went to greet her ancestors, and when she saw her and Aunt Yu'an also whispering something, she stopped talking when she came.

At first, she was a little surprised to think that something happened to Jing Xuan, but his brief family letter never broke, and it was his handwriting that she was relieved.

When Suying came to see her with her pregnant belly, she knew what everyone was hiding from her.

Suying... also had joy.

It can be seen that Su Ying is very pleased with the child's arrival, her original delicate face has a little more sweetness, and her smile is always on her lips. She also talked more than before, and talked to her about pregnancy. Mei Li smiled and listened. She only learned during the conversation that Suying's child was also five months old.

Even if he was born early... he was a bastard.

This sentence, which she thought she had forgotten, suddenly came to mind very clearly. She looked enviously at Su Ying's beautiful smiling face... She couldn't have the same joy as hers.

She suddenly hoped that the child in her belly was a girl.

Concubine... this identity is more helpless than Fang Fujin.

Suying was carefully picked up by her mother... Mei Li stood in front of the door watching the back of the mother and daughter walking away as they laughed and talked.

She gently stroked her round belly... She don't think so much. The joy the child brought to her exceeded her expectations. At least she looked at the scene in front of her, and loneliness was no longer so strong and difficult.

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