43: determination

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It was the end of spring when the emperor returned to Luang, and Mei Li held her six-month-old Yunke close to the wall, fearing that careless servants might bump into the child in a hurry. The maids and maids were busy loading their luggage into the car, and Yunke liked the excitement, watching the busy scene in her arms.

There are more people on Suying's side, and the luggage is several times that of Meili. After each child has given birth, the opportunity for the two to meet is even rarer, and they seem to live their own lives in the same mansion. Seeing Miri, Su Ying nodded and smiled kindly.

Miri also responded politely. In all fairness, Suying was tolerant to her. Because of Jingxuan's rules, Suying did not enjoy the honor of being a wife in front of her, but she did not embarrass her, never came to her room, nor Do things that embarrass her.

Being able to ignore her is also a kind of tolerance.

Jing Xuan made arrangements in the palace, worried about his wife and children at home, and hurried back. After all, Yun Jue was still young, and her life habits were disrupted and she lost her temper and cried. Suying and the nursing mother could not coax them well, and the child cried. Her throat became dumb, Suying was anxious and cried with her baby. The people tried their best to make Shizi laugh and persuade Fujin not to worry. The scene was very chaotic.

In contrast, Yunke looked heartless, laughing while watching the man on his side turn his back. Mei Li smiled bitterly and hugged him and shook him gently. Yunke didn't like to cry since she was a child, which made her suffer a lot less.

Jing Xuan's horse was this big scene. He glanced at Mei Li, and she and Yun Ke were relieved at this moment. Suying was already crying so Ewha brought the child into his arms with Yu, Jing Xuan was also distressed, took Yunjue over and took a few shots.

Yunjue gave him Ama's face, sobbing and finally stopped crying. Suying's personal maid and grandma both praised the prince with ulterior motives and praised the prince for always loving Yunjue, so the prince hugged Yunjue and Ama. be good.

Suying also broke her tears into a smile, pouting her lips and condemning Yunjue for having no conscience, to please Ama and toss her forehead.

Jing Xuan couldn't help but looked at Mei Li again, worried that she would be uncomfortable. She was holding Yunke who was smiling and looking at Yun Jue who was no longer crying, his heart twisted, and he turned away coldly and stopped looking at her.

Meili rolled up the car curtain and went out of the city. The scenery was as wide as it was when she came, and the trees were more prosperous. Meili put her hands under Yunke's armpits and held him by the window to show him the scenery along the way. The child was also overjoyed because he was traveling freely in the vast world. He laughed, Xiao Pang's feet stomped on her legs, and Mei Li raised her arms for a while, she was afraid of heat and squeezing. There were no other maids in the car. Seeing that Yunke was so happy, she persisted hard.

Jing Xuan rushed over on horseback, and stayed beside the car with a calm face and didn't speak.

Mei Li smiled faintly, seemingly unaware of his anger, "Is she thirsty?"

He didn't answer, but gave her a stare.

She knew how angry he was, and if she could, she wanted to pretend to be jealous and pitiful. But she... really isn't uncomfortable.

She is only one of his wives, only his side Fujin, she has accepted this fact. When he went to Suying's place for the night, she could also hug Yunke to sleep together, and she was relieved and happy.

She had survived, and came out of Anning Hall. She felt that she had died once. Innocent, she, who loved Jing Xuan, died on the side of a lonely life. After Yong Hyuk died, she was stubborn and uncompromising, because of her child, she was also driven to death by the ruthless reality in the desperate journey of life. She is also unfamiliar with herself now, she doesn't care what kind of woman she wants to become, as long as she still has Yunke, that's enough.

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