17: different

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The sun at noon at the end of the spring has already shown the power of blazing heat, making the carriage sultry. Because there is no suitable place to camp, I have to rush during the day. In order to reach the planned place in the evening, there is no arrangement of rest time for the brigade on the way of the whole day. It is because whoever is lacking or has something else makes it to themselves. The car drove out of the line and chased up after resting.

After a long ride in the car, her legs were numb. Mei Li got out of the carriage and walked slowly on the roadside tree shade. There were many female family members, and the team did not move fast. She breathed fresh air while relaxing. Sore limbs, not worried about falling behind, very comfortable.

The carriage not far in front also pulled over, and Suying got out of the carriage, apparently also unable to stay in the carriage to get out of the wind. When she helped the two maids to get out of the car, Wuxin saw Mei Li walking behind, hesitated, and smiled at her.

Miri smiled back at her politely.

Unexpectedly, after Suying sent the empty car to follow the team, she stood by the side of the road and waited for her to approach. Mei Li was a little surprised, but Suying's frowning and thoughtful air made her seem to realize, Suying...probably so. When she had something to say to her, Miri smiled faintly.

Suying's two maids are clever and smart, and they can see their intentions from the master's every move. When Mei Li and Hong Ling approached, they simply asked Ann to hold Hong Ling from left to right, chuckling in a low voice, It opened the distance with the masters.

Mei Li and Su Ying smiled at each other, and walked side by side in the shade of the trees. Because the road was not wide, the vehicles passing by the two passed by, Su Ying, who was walking on the outside, was a little scared. After changing positions with her, Suying smiled gratefully to her without pushing back.

"Miri...Sister." This was the first time they had talked alone, and she seemed to be a little slurred when calling Miri affectionately.

Walking side by side, the delicious scent on Suying's body is more lingering, Meili faintly picks the corner of her mouth, remembering the ambiguous contact between Jing Xuan and her last night, and when his fingers rubbed her chin, her heart There is a very weird feeling. He asked her in a cold voice after having a hard time with the beautiful woman who was walking beside her, she felt ridiculous.

"You--" Suying hesitated for a while, feeling that she had nothing to talk about, so she raised her brows and asked straightforwardly, "Do you still like Jingxuan?"

Miri looked at her, does it make sense to ask? Whether she likes Jing Xuan or not has never been the key to the problem. Her mind and feeling have always been ignored and disdainful.

Suying was embarrassed by her sight, glanced open and pretended to look at the distant scenery.

"When I was young, it was inevitable that anyone would get confused." Mei Li smiled faintly, "I'll be fine when I grow up, and I won't be overwhelmed."

Suying's brows didn't expand because of her words, she looked down at the road under her feet, and seemed to walk very attentively. "I'm sorry, Sister Miri." She suddenly apologized sincerely, "I know I shouldn't ask you that." She raised her eyes and looked at Miri directly.

Miri smiled and shook her head, saying that she didn't mind.

With a gallop of horseshoes, Mei Li stepped back and turned sideways to give way. She unintentionally raised her eyes to see, but it was Jing Xuan and Yong He who galloped from the end of the team.

Jing Xuan slowed his horse speed, glanced at Mei Li indifferently, and smiled at Suying. "How did you get out of the car?" he asked in a soft tone.

"The car is stuffy and hot." Suying pursed her lips and complained, raising her eyes to look at him sitting high on the horse. After a few days on the road, his skin was tanned a bit, adding a man's powerful charm. His handsome and delicate appearance and wheat-colored skin make him as heroic and fierce as the **** of war in the sky, making people breathe unconsciously. Hastily.

He smiled, and the posture of dismounting was so cool and beautiful. When he passed by Mei Li, he glanced at her again, only to find that she had turned her head to look at Yong Hyuk and smiled. That kind of laugh again! That kind of tender smile! She had cried and laughed at him, watched affectionately, and acted like a coquettish, but she had never seen him with such warm eyes!

If she had seen him with such eyes...Why would he hate her so much in the first place? !

When she smiled so brightly, her small lips curled into a curve that made a man fascinated, and even if there were no dimples, it was sweet and suffocating. Her eyes will be slightly squinted because of the smile, and Shui Lingling's eyes will flash under her long eyelashes with a charming light that makes a man want to rush over to kiss her.

She wasn't the nasty girl who was sullen in her head, but the watery girl with affection.

Doesn't she like him? ! Didn't she keep saying that he didn't marry? ! Why never look at him like this!

Obviously she committed the mess, but it made him seem like a heartbreaker!

He gave a cold eye and pulled off the reins. The horse was sore that the front hoofs neighed, and Mei Li was taken aback. She stepped back and hit the tree trunk by the road, frowning with pain and smiling. It's gone. He snorted, feeling relieved.

"You are hotter, the wind and sun." Suying said distressedly, following in his footsteps.

"Fortunately." Jing Xuan dealt with casually.

Suying coughed slightly by the dust raised by the horse, and her slender shoulders shook slightly. Jing Xuan looked at her softheartedly, unfastened the water pouch tied to her saddle and handed it to her. Suying took it sweetly, but still couldn't remove the cork after pulling a few times. Jing Xuan chuckled softly, mocking her lack of power, and helped her open it.

Suying drank water and smiled while looking behind him. Jing Xuan followed her gaze with some doubts. It turned out that Mei Li was wiping the sweat on Yong He's forehead, and the tall Yong He bent over with a smile to match her height.

Mei Li glared at Yong Hyuk, she was very worried, but he didn't care. She gently opened his neckline and looked in to check whether he had a rash, "Don't be careless, it's really blown by the wind, how can I get you so much wormwood water to bathe on the road..." she nagged He whispered, but Yonghe grabbed his hand abruptly and pulled it down from the neckline.

She was a little puzzled, but when she went to see him, she found his blushing face. She was taken aback and realized that her movements were too ambiguous, and her face was burning, and she turned away in annoyance.

Seeing her shy, he laughed.

Mei Li glared at his boots and rolled her eyes, turned and ran to her car. Yong Hyuk laughed in place again before chasing her. The road was narrow, and when he passed Jing Xuan's horse, he smiled as if greeting him and Suying. After being glanced coldly by Jing Xuan, he secretly curled his lips. This time, Jing Xuan himself was accompanying his future wife, so he shouldn't be blamed for being distracted and lazy!

"Yong Hyuk and Mei Li get along really well." Suying looked at Yong Hyuk who was leading the horse by Mei Li's car quietly, and he was joking with Mei Li in the car in a low voice.

Mei Li leaned forward and handed him a small pot. Yonghe raised her head and drank it, sighing cheerfully, even a few steps away they could hear clearly, "Drinking sour plum soup at this time is really delicious..."

Suying was a little uncomfortable, "Sister Mei Li is very good at taking care of people."

Jing Xuan snorted coldly, "She?!" She would fart! It will cause him trouble!

He looked calmly at Mei Li's pretty side face, and the look at Yong Hyuk's smile was inexplicably angry.

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