19: Return

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It was late, and the campfire was bright, but everyone was exhausted on the road in the past few days, and they stopped early, except for the patrol soldiers, few people walked around.

Mei Li cleaned Yong He's handkerchief in the creek beside the camp. The starry sky in spring formed a bright dome on the vast plain. The beauty was sighing. Mei Li squatted on the rock by the stream, looking up at the Milky Way invisible, she was intoxicated.

"I'm done." Yong Hyuk shouted, who had been lighting a fire on the shore. He set up a horizontal pole with two big tree branches and lifted an iron pot. The wormwood juice inside increased with the temperature of the water. , Gradually thicker.

With the light of the fire, he could see the faint melancholy on her face, "What's the matter?" He approached her and gently embraced her shoulders.

Mei Li snuggled in his arms, looking at the deep starry sky and sighed, "Such a vast night sky, I... really like watching it. Compared to seeing it in the capital or the imperial palace, it is much more beautiful!"

"That's not easy. From now on, as long as you want, I will take you out of the city." Yonghe smiled and hugged her tightly.

Miri smiled but did not answer, and...the chances will be less in the future. She is determined to be a good wife, a good daughter-in-law, and a good mother. She saves time in the morning and dusk, has complicated housework, and has to go to the palace to socialize. She may not have time to enjoy such a leisure time.

"I heard from Ama that the emperor deliberately asked him to release the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang. Then I will also ask the ancestor and the emperor to resign and go with Ama, so..." He rubbed her chin against the top of her head. Rose, looking at the depths of the night sky with endless yearning, "I can take you away from these nasty people and things in the capital, and live a leisurely life for a few years freely. Wherever you want to go, I will take you there. The beautiful scenery of the south of the Yangtze River, the style of Fujian and Zhejiang..."

She looked up at the handsome face he described emotionally, deeply obsessed with the happy future he enlightened for her, she gazed at him gratefully, her eyes gradually blurred...He is the warm home she has been looking for!

"Yong Hyuk..." She called him idiotically, grateful, and tears of happiness slipped down.

"Why are you crying?" He let her lie in his arms and looked down at her beautiful and charming face. The beautiful eyes that originally contained Chunjiang and Qiuyue were covered with soft mist at this time, which made people feel pity and distress. . There was a slight movement in his throat, and his lips had fallen on the clear eyes that had captured his three souls and seven souls.

She...so beautiful, so good! No matter what he wants him to exchange for her, he will be happy! Life is fine too! Not to mention fame and fortune status!

She groaned slightly, because his kiss trembles all over, but she did not hide, a little jerky but decisively raised her arms around his neck.

He groaned and was very emotional. He hugged her and rolled from the low boulder to the grass by the stream. He surrounded her with his body and arms to protect her from any harm.

"Miri..." He pressed her on the grass, but supported the weight of his body with his elbows, he whispered her name like a sigh, and his hot lips kissed her soft cherry red heavily. She gritted her teeth jerkily, he loved and pityed, let go of her wheezing little mouth, he suddenly licked her thin neck, she panicked and whispered, he suddenly sucked her slightly opened lips, Own sentimental sentiment into her tenderness.

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