27: See courtesy

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The night was a little darker, but the room was very bright, and the red hijab that was shining on her face became more and more red in front of her eyes. Meili felt that her eyes were a little hurt by the **** color for a long time, so she closed her eyes. .

As far as marrying a side Fujin, Jing Xuan is considered to be enough for her, and the betrothal gifts and the execution of the battle are all first-class. The ancestors also insisted that she be married from the palace and treated her in every possible way. None of these... she was not surprised. The old ancestor, like Brother Chengyi, was afraid that she would be angry in the future, Jing Xuan, even if he marries someone else, he will do so much, because he is the Qing prince and will not lose his identity.

Brother Chengyi...Mei Li was a little upset. When she returned him with the eight-part and eight-patterns, he just smiled at her and said that she should keep it. When it is always useful in the future, he no longer Need it. His smile made her feel very ominous, as if he had made up some idea.

Before thinking about it, the Xi Niang maids outside the door burst into joy like sparrows. She heard the familiar indifferent tone still saying "Reward", and then the maids laughed even higher.

The Chengde Bieye of the Qing Palace has been around for quite a while. Although the decoration was newly decorated, the door still made a creaking sound when it was pushed open, making Mei Li tremble all over.

She clenched her fist, her palms full of sweat.

He sat next to her, Xi Niang followed her and said auspicious words, Mei Li went to other people's bridal chambers, knowing that Xi Niang would tie the robes of the bridegroom and bride together at this time, implying forever to be united. But right now...the women who were babbling just said and said the familiar auspicious words like chanting, until they squeezed a glass of wine for her.

She rushed... She was just a facilitator, not the one who was "forever in the same mind" with him. Xi Niang held her hand and had a drink with Jing Xuan. The wine was cold and bitter.

When he lifted her hijab with a weighing pole amidst the frolics, she lowered her eyes to look at the gorgeous patterns on her knee skirt, her lips trembled slightly uncontrollably.

The room went quiet, but the shadow of the maid standing outside the door could still be seen reflected on the window paper. He stood opposite her and watched in silence for a while, and when she stepped closer to her, Mei Li bit her lip so she didn't breathe, her heart shrank violently.

He pulled her to the big bronze mirror and pressed her on the stool. She still hangs her head and looks in the mirror...you will see him too.

He gently took off her heavy ceremonial crown. There were a lot of small accessories on her hair bun, which the old lady in the palace insisted on wearing her. He caught her hair when he took it off. It hurts her. He just frowned slightly and refused to speak. He noticed, "Just say if it hurts!" He commanded, and she just shook her head slightly without saying a word.

The long hair released all the restraints, draped softly behind her, but did not make her feel a little relaxed. Sure enough, he pulled her up and hugged her sideways easily. She was caught off guard, exclaimed, and ran into him. With deep black pupils, these beautiful but cold eyes seemed a little joyful because they reflected the red.

"Miri..." Is he smiling? She had never seen him smile like this before, and she was...very gentle. "Is this not what you want?"

He hugged her and slowly turned around in the room with high red candles, she was confused, yes, this was what she had wanted. He put her on the big bed and leaned over to look at her. For the first time, his nice voice had a tender tone, "Have you thought about such a scene, right?" He pecked at her face. a bit.

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