2: Come back home

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Walking in the aisle between the palace walls, Mei Li took every step very carefully, for fear that she would lose control of herself and start running when she relaxed.

For two years, she has not stepped out of the dilapidated courtyard of Anning Hall!

At the small door next to Xihua Gate, she unexpectedly saw Zi Yu! She almost couldn't recognize him. When he came to see her with sister Zi Qing before, she just thought he had grown up. Now it seems that he has become a strange man. The handsome face remains the same, but the peculiar demeanor that he is accustomed to controlling power has replaced his youthful youth. He... became so powerful.

She sighed secretly, not just Zi Yu, there have been too many things in the past two years, who still looks like a little time?

He was also looking at her, and from his somewhat surprised gaze, Miri knew that he was just like her lamenting the changes that years had made to them. She nodded and smiled at him, but she didn't know what to say. People who should have been familiar with each other had been separated for a long time... and there was no topic.

However, Zi Yu spoke first, "I heard that you are going home today, and Ruoyu specially came into the palace with me to see you. Here, just talk to your old housekeeper outside the door."

Mei Li's nose sore, and finally she didn't control herself, and ran out of the gate guarded by the guards, and ran out of the Forbidden City that had trapped her for more than two years.

Ruo Yu was talking to Uncle Hai with her back to her. Uncle Hai noticed it first. His expression changed, and his old facial features were all wrinkled because of sudden crying. "Gege!" He ignored the etiquette and ran to meet Mei Li. Come over, take her into his arms.

"Uncle Hai!" Mei Li also hugged him tightly, failing since she was a child. Although Uncle Hai was a subordinate, she grew up hand-in-hand in hardship and embarrassment, and her emotions were really better than her grandchildren.

"Child...you have suffered!" Uncle Hai was crying and choked with breath.

Ruoyu kept wiping her tears with Sipa, and couldn't bear the two of them crying like this again, she stepped forward and persuaded: "Miri, Uncle Hai, today is a happy day, why don't you cry so much."

Uncle Hai also knew he was gagged, and helped Meili stand up, and said with a choking voice: "Gege, thanks to the two couples Ziyubeile taking care of our house in the past two years, they are really kind people!"

Mei Li knew that the Prince Qian's mansion, which was originally a queer, plus her being banned, is even more so that everyone is afraid to avoid it. After sister Ziqing passed away, Zi Yu and Ruo Yu visited her twice. They were probably discouraged and could not come again. She really didn't expect this kind of love in the snow. She wailed her lips to Ruo Yu a few times with tears, but still couldn't say thank you, after all, a "thank you" was too frivolous.

Ruoyu didn't want her to say thankfulness, but instead pushed her into the car, "Hurry up and go home. I'll go back and see you again!"

Sitting on the carriage, Mei Li couldn't help but lifted the curtain, looking greedily at the bustling streets and pedestrians. The drips in Lenggong clearly flowed from the bottom of her heart, and the hustle and bustle in front of her was like a mirage. Tears flowed down uncontrollably, and the bone loneliness that he had endured silently in the past suddenly bounced back under the contrast of the city's laughter, and it turned out to be more intolerable and violent than being in a dead city.

The palace is not far from the imperial city, and she will arrive at her home after two years of absence in a short time. Uncle Hai brought the carriage to a halt outside the main entrance, and the two dozen people from the upper and lower palaces all knelt down at the door to welcome the young master back.

Mei Li looked around at the mansion where she was born and grew up in Si. It was better repaired than before she left. The main entrance and the fence have been renovated and whitewashed. Although it can't hide the oldness, it doesn't look like it was dilapidated in the past. She looked at Ying's servants one by one, and those who knew and newcomers.

Uncle Hai whispered in her ear, because the land rent was received in the past two years, the life of Prince Qian's Mansion was really much better than before.

"Uncle Hai, I'll change my clothes, let's go see the old woman's family." Although she paid the price of freedom, she still regretted it sincerely. She looked at the robes given by her ancestors. She really changed. This was her favorite water red before. Now she is wearing this bright color, which makes her very uncomfortable.

"Oh, no need. Lord Jingxuan gave the family a lot of money to settle down and let them go back to their hometown to live."

Mei Li was dumbfounded for a while. Uncle Hai used to hate Jing Xuan the most...Because he caused her to lose face, she chuckled lightly, not because he didn't give her face, but she was shamelessly haunting him. . Now he wants her family property back for her, and he has taken care of her troubles. Uncle Hai has changed his view of him greatly. He used to have a mouthful of Jingxuan's stinky boy. I watched him grow up. Now he is also called The prince is here.

"Well, that's all right." She nodded slowly. "I'm a little tired."

"Oh, oh! Then go back to the room and rest soon." Uncle Hai hurriedly greeted all the people to take action, performing their duties, and leading the way with a little maid whom Mei Li didn't know.

The little maid named Jiang Liu was only twelve years old. It was Uncle Hai who heard that she was going to be released and bought back. Although she was smart and diligent, she was not yet familiar with it after all, and she was a little flustered.

Her room is still the same, but it's clean and tidy, and even the bedding is brand new. Miri lay on it gently. It was so soft, with such a thick and warm bed... She hadn't lie down in a long time. She closed her eyes, but couldn't sleep.

Excited...a bit, sad, more dazed.

When she was in the Anning Temple, she was tormented, always hoping that she could leave this living tomb soon, and really came out, she didn't know what she should expect or think about.

in case......

The corners of her eyes were hot, and tears shed silently from both sides of her cheeks. If someone else wants to marry her, she must cherish and hold her. She wants to have family and children. She doesn't want to be alone anymore, because loneliness is terrible. She knows too well.

But, is anyone still willing to marry her?

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