25: embrace

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All that should be said, Mei Li walked back to her room much easier than when she came, her footsteps were still vain, but not as difficult as just now.

When the little palace lady guarding her door saw her and Hong Ling coming back, she looked into the room with a frown, Mei Li smiled coldly, Jing Xuan was inside, she was not surprised.

Compared to her indifference, Hong Ling was nervous to death, and even tripped on the threshold when helping her into the room.

The candlelight in the room was not bright. Jing Xuan sat in a chair expressionlessly. Mei Li did not look up at him, but implicitly resisted and bowed her head to bless him, and ordered Hongling to help her go to bed and lie down. After tossing this for a long time, she was really exhausted.

Jing Xuan, who was ignored by her, didn't get furious, but sneered slightly, "Are you going to be a monk?" His tone was full of sarcasm, but he was cold and calm.

"Yeah." She coped with her back to him, facing into the bed.

"Very good. It's also considered Ji De to self-cultivation." He laughed sarcastically.

She closed her eyes and wrapped the quilt tightly and ignored him.

"I have already given the emperor to the emperor, and asked him to transfer Tuha to my command as a pioneer. He is a little older, but...experienced." He sneered, successfully watching her stiffen her back. "Well, you can recuperate well, choose that nunnery, and I am willing to give you a ride."

Mei Li clenched the quilt tightly, he... just scared her, right?

He didn't delay when he finished speaking, and walked away without delay.

Hong Ling patted her chest lightly. She didn't expect it. Originally, he thought that Lord Qing would be furious when he knew about Ge Ge's decision. Seeing his attitude in Ge Ge's disease, he seemed to be very concerned, but she didn't expect her heart to be so cold!

"Pour me a cup of hot tea." Mei Li tremblingly commanded, her heart suddenly panicked, Jing Xuan's attitude made her unexpected, and it seemed that she felt more dangerous and terrifying than his anger.

Before half a cup of tea was drunk, rushing footsteps sounded outside, and the wooden soles of the flag shoes stepped on the blue bricks to make a messy "click" sound, which made people inexplicably upset and nervous.

"Gege, Ying Ru..." Before the little palace lady passed the transmission, Ying Ru Fujin had already rushed in. Her face was blue and her eyes were red, and she looked at her with resentment and anger. Mei Li hurriedly got out of bed, Ying Ru Fujin actually knelt down in front of her, knocking her head on the cold blue brick.

"Cracking!" The tea cup that Meili handed to Hongling before she could smashed to pieces on the ground. She gaped and looked at Ying Rufujin, who was tearful but indifferent, and was so shocked that she forgot to help her up.

"Gege, Gege!" Ying Ru Fujin called her louder and louder, like a curse and pleading, "You can let our house go! Please be kind!"

Hongling nudged Mei Li, who was already staying there, and she remembered to pull Ying Rufujin to get up. She was already weak in her hands and feet. In addition, Ying Rufujin insisted on kneeling. She couldn't hold her at all, and she didn't dare to receive Fujin. She bowed her knees, and Mei Li had to kneel down to her.

"Fu Jin..." She silently endured Ying as Fu Jin grabbed her aching arm, and decided to leave Yonghe without knowing how to speak.

"Gege, I know I'm like this... Being an elder is really shameful, but it's because of "you"!" She emphasized this respectful name, and her tone was so heavy that Mi Li shivered all over. "My husband is going to work in front of the battle when he is old, and my son is now locked up in the jail... Grid, at the beginning our family agreed to the meaning of our ancestors, even if we were not kind to you, we did not owe you anything. ! My son, for you..." Ying Ru Fujin's voice sharpened, "Even if it is because of his love for you, you should stop hurting him, stop hurting our family!"

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