23: Anthurium

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Darkness is the darkness she fears most.

She was uncomfortable, and even felt that she was still struggling in the water that was about to swallow her, every breath was so hard. She cried and wanted to open her eyes, wanted to catch anything that could survive... She seemed to be in the fire again, anxiously hot, every inch of her skin hurts, and tears just came out of her eyes Was evaporated.

She asked for help, no one came... She gave up and fell into the fire, helplessly turning into a wisp of smoke.

She choked, her forehead suddenly cooled, and the real touch pulled her back from the chaotic dream. She was unable to open her eyes and tried to whisper to drink water. Someone really brought water to her lips. She was afraid that it was a dream, and drank it greedily with surprise.


This voice is so familiar to her, is it Yong Hyuk? No... Yong Hyuk would not have such a sad tone.

"Miri..." Her hands were held in a pair of cold hands, "Miri, I only need you." He said, she frowned helplessly, but she heard the helplessness in his tone, as if... This is what he is telling himself.

She was a little anxious, and wanted to open her eyes to see if it was really Young Hyuk?

There was a bit of noisiness around, as if she missed some clips in a daze. Many people were talking quietly, like arguing and arguing. Her head hurts.

A woman suddenly said loudly: "She can't! She will ruin you!"

Miri couldn't tell whose voice it was, but her sorrowful tone was suddenly impressed in her heart.

The bitter medicine poured into her mouth. Knowing that the medicine was hard-won, she did not dare to frown, swallowing hard, and finally choked. She opened her eyes in a hurry.

She saw Yong Hyuk, her breathing was sudden, she wanted to tell him not to worry, she was okay, she was not dead! The next moment, she was stunned. Was it Yong Hyuk who sat silently beside her bed? He didn't even notice her waking up. How could Yong Hyuk have such a dull look? How could his eyes be so cold?

"Gege?" Hongling, who was holding her to drink the medicine, called her in surprise, Yonghe trembled, turned his face to see her eyes...Miri, relieved, it was him! The look in his eyes and his smile were still so warm, and she let out a long breath.

"Is it better?" He sat over and supported her instead of Hongling, letting her lean comfortably in his arms.

"I'm sick?" Mei Li asked, the struggle in the water and fire was just an illusion of her illness. She rolled her eyes, "Here..." She was in a room, the sun was lazy, it should already be afternoon.

"This is Chengde Palace." Yonghe smiled, took the handkerchief that Hongling handed over, and wiped away the dense beads of sweat on her forehead.

Already in Chengde? She was a little surprised, how long has she been sick? Her expression suddenly froze. How did she... come back? Jing Xuan brought her back? Strong anxiety surged in my heart.


She had many questions to ask, but was interrupted by Yong Hyuk's gentle but determined words.

"I'll be back! Other..." He frowned quickly, and the expression she had been unfamiliar with just now appeared in his smiling eyes again-insistently and resolutely. "...It doesn't matter! Take care of yourself first. Are you hungry? I'll ask someone to bring something to eat."

He walked out the door and told the maid outside the house quietly. She only heard clearly "...Don't let her see..."

Young Hyuk has something! Her heart became very heavy, and her breathing was hard again. She looked at Hongling who was standing by the bed, and she unexpectedly avoided her eyes.

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