10: Hint

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The carriage creaked slowly on the yellow sandy road. After driving for most of the day, Jiang Liu was tired and sleepy. It was too bumpy. It was too hard to sleep, so he was extremely tired.

"Gege, who are you going to see?" She complained a little bit of Miri, who was silent and leaned aside, turned pale but did not say a word. Just coming back from the paddock, Gege didn't have a good rest, and she had to rush to Xiaoling early in the morning. She thought it was a bad job to wait for Gege to travel, but she didn't expect to suffer so much!

"An older brother." Mei Li's eyes were erratic.

"Oh -" Jiang Liu nodded, relatives? Grid was kept in the cold palace for such a long time and could not see any relatives. It was natural for him to rush to visit him when he came out.

Even if I try to speed up as much as possible, it still took two days to reach the destination. After a long bumpy journey, Mei Li felt sore and weak all over. She supported the carriage and looked at this desolate and quiet scene. There was still work in progress not far away, and the sound of rock-digging and piling echoed in my ears, and I felt even more bleak and bleak.

Several soldiers standing outside the stone wall looked at her and questioned her. Mei Li quickly winked at Jiang Liu and stuffed them with silver before they agreed to inform her contentedly. Mei Li took a closer look at this courtyard. It was different from the gorgeous buildings in the imperial tomb. The courtyard was built of bluestone, which was strong and simple, and was obviously used for the garrison of the soldiers guarding the tomb.

"Go in, go in, Lord Baylor will let you in." A soldier came out of the second door, staring at her ambiguously, and smiling happily.

Mei Li didn't have time to take care of this, and quickly walked into the inner courtyard.

Soldiers on duty along the way gave her directions. She was led into a house in the corner of the compound. As soon as she approached the door of Xiaocaoyuan, she saw Chengyi sitting under the tree. He heard the footsteps, still sitting leaning against the tree trunk, just turned his eyes and glanced at her carelessly.

"Brother Chengyi!" She stunned after yelling, not knowing how she recognized him as the handsome and energetic Lord Belle two years ago.

Cheng Yi looked at her with no expression, no words, neither sad nor surprised.

Mei Li's eyes were stinging, and his arrow shot and killed sister Zi Qing, why not also shot himself.

She took a deep breath, not allowing herself to show sadness and compassion. She was sure that the tears that had flowed into her eyes had receded, so she gently walked to him and sat down, and talked homely, saying, "Brother Chengyi, I was released. Now, come and see you."

Jiang Liu was afraid of this thin and cold man. Although he was so beautiful, the lifelessness he exuded made her creepy. She rushed to the door, not daring to approach.

Cheng Yi nodded, finally showing something.

"Is there any water? I'm thirsty all the way." Mei Li forced a smile.

"In the room." Cheng Yi glanced at it.

Miri got up and walked into his room. The furnishings of the rooms are simple and rudimentary, and they are too neatly arranged, as if no one has ever lived here.

The tea set was placed on the table near the bed. When she went to pour the water, she inadvertently glanced at the bed and found that the bedding was extremely thin. She couldn't help but walked over and touched it. As she expected, the sheets were neat and tidy but accumulated. It's damp, obviously it hasn't been exposed for a long time. Those who are stationed here are all big men. Brother Chengyi has lost his power again. Even if someone serves to clean, he won't be too dedicated.

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